
Rafael greca e “armistício” pelo bem da cidade. A coligação do PMN inclui o PSDB, do governador Beto Richa, o PSB, de Luciano Ducci e o DEM, além dos pequenos PTN e PTdoB.

HINO DO PARANÁ Letra de Domingos Nascimento Música de Bento Mossurunga . Estribilho Entre os astros do Cruzeiro, És o mais belo a fulgir Paraná! Serás luzeiro! Avante! Para o porvir! I O teu fulgor de mocidade, Terra! Tem brilhos de alvorada Rumores de felicidade! Canções e flores pela estrada. II Outrora apenas panorama De campos ermos e florestas Vibra agora a tua fama Pelos clarins das grandes festas! III A glória... A glória... Santuário! Que o povo aspire e que idolatre-a E brilharás com brilho vário, Estrela rútila da Pátria! I V Pela vitória do mais forte, Lutar! Lutar! Chegada é a hora. Para o Zenith! Eis o teu norte! Terra! Já vem rompendo a aurora! Professores e polícia entram em confronto durante votação na Alep PROJETO QUE PROMOVE MUDANÇAS NA PREVIDÊNCIA FOI APROVADO NESTA QUARTA. PROFESSORES ESTÃO EM GREVE DESDE SÁBADO (25) E MILHARES ESTÃO SEM AULA. Protestos contra o projeto


Obama FURIOUS After Judge Jeanine Calls Him A Terrorist On Live TV (VIDEO) Pirro found herself the source of controversy once again when she discussed the attacks on the Western world at the hands of radical Islamists. She cited specifically the Philadelphia police attack and the terrorist attack in San Bernardino. Pirro commented that the Obama administration and Islamic radicals might as well be on the same side, because it is clear our ‘leader’ is not going to do anything to prevent these acts in the future. gf font     video and images        google font      redaction             Obama launched 'the widest Global Terrorism Campaign The world has seen yet'   in international affairs to the main contribution of Obama was the launch of the most   extensive global terrorist campaign the world has ever seen.

Obama FURIOUS After Judge Jeanine Calls Him A Terrorist On Live TV (VIDEO) Pirro found herself the source of controversy once again when she discussed the attacks on the Western world at the hands of radical Islamists. She cited specifically the Philadelphia police attack and the terrorist attack in San Bernardino. Pirro commented that the Obama administration and Islamic radicals might as well be on the same side, because it is clear our ‘leader’ is not going to do anything to prevent these acts in the future. gf font     video and images        google font      redaction             Obama launched 'the widest Global Terrorism Campaign The world has seen yet'   in international affairs to the main contribution of Obama was the launch of the most   extensive global terrorist campaign the world has ever seen.