
Mostrando postagens de outubro, 2021


      巴西人在动物尸体中寻找食物,令人震惊的照片成为Covid造成的极度贫困的象征 司机从肉店搬运废料:“过去人们来找我问我是否可以给狗骨头。  今天人们求我去吃点东西” 2021 年 10 月 3 日 修改日期:2021 年 10 月 3 日 1分钟阅读 一系列饥饿的巴西人在堆积如山的尸体和屠宰的残渣中翻找吃的东西的一系列照片震惊正在成为人口稠密的巴西面临的极端社会条件的象征,因为 Covid-19 大流行不堪重负。  这些照片显示一名男子蹲在卡车集装箱里的动物遗骸山上——骨头、下脚料和内脏,在超市收集并运往宠物食品和肥皂工厂——是在里约热内卢从摄影记者多明戈斯·佩肖托 (Domingos Peixoto) 拍摄的,已经是冠军的几个奖项。 “有些日子我想哭,”卡车司机何塞·迪维诺·桑托斯 (José Divino Santos) 向佩肖托和 Extra 报纸的记者拉斐尔·纳西门托·德索萨 (Rafael Nascimento de Souza) 倾诉。  后者以大写字母标题“巴西2021:饥饿之痛”开始拍摄,在全国引起轰动。  “过去人们来找我问我是否可以给狗骨头。  今天人们求我吃点东西,“卫报援引桑托斯的话说。 一名 51 岁的拾荒者承认,在失去伴侣后,她需要一些东西来养活她的五个孩子。  «你不知道我有多久没有看到一块肉了。  是疫情之前的。  我真的很感激这一点,”手里拿着一些内脏的女人补充道。 在巴西,长期以来被总统 Jair Bolsonaro 低估的 Covid-19 已造成超过 600,000 人死亡,据估计,至少有 19,000 人饿死或几乎挨饿。  昨天在里约,成千上万的人再次游行抗议政府,政府将巴西所处的灾难性局势归咎于政府。 图片来源和编辑人员​​teri/2021/10/03/news/brasiliani-in-cerca-cibo-fra-le-carcasse-di-animali-le-foto-choc-divantano -由covid-1.40769399创建的极端贫困象征/

Brasilianer auf der Suche nach Nahrung zwischen Tierkadavern, schockierende Fotos werden zum Symbol extremer Armut

    Brasilianer, die zwischen Tierkadavern nach Nahrung suchen, werden die schockierenden Fotos zu einem Symbol für die extreme Armut, die durch Covid . verursacht wurde Der Fahrer mit den Resten der Metzgerei: «Früher kamen Leute zu mir, um zu fragen, ob ich dem Hund einen Knochen geben könnte.  Heute betteln mich die Leute an, mir etwas zu essen zu besorgen“ 03. Oktober 2021 Geändert am: 03. Oktober 2021 1 Minute lesen Eine Reihe von Fotoschocks von hungernden Brasilianern, die auf der Suche nach etwas Essbarem zwischen aufgetürmten Kadavern und Schlachtabfällen wühlen, wird zum Symbol für die extremen sozialen Bedingungen, in denen sich das bevölkerungsreiche Brasilien befindet, das von der Covid-19-Pandemie überwältigt ist.  Die Bilder, die einen Mann zeigen, der in einem LKW-Container auf einem Berg von Tierresten hockt – Knochen, Fetzen und Eingeweide, die in Supermärkten gesammelt und für Tiernahrungs- und Seifenfabriken bestimmt sind – wurden in Rio de Janeiro vom Fotojournalis

Brésiliens cherchant de la nourriture parmi les carcasses d'animaux, des photos choquantes deviennent un symbole de l'extrême pauvreté

    Brésiliens à la recherche de nourriture parmi les carcasses d'animaux, les photos choquantes deviennent un symbole de l'extrême pauvreté créée par Covid Le chauffeur transportant les restes de la boucherie : « Autrefois, les gens venaient me voir pour me demander si je pouvais donner un os pour le chien.  Aujourd'hui, les gens me supplient de manger quelque chose " 03 octobre 2021 Modifié le : 03 octobre 2021 1 minute de lecture Une série de photo-chocs de Brésiliens affamés fouillant parmi les carcasses entassées et les restes de boucherie, à la recherche de quelque chose à manger, devient un symbole des conditions sociales extrêmes dans lesquelles se trouve le Brésil peuplé, accablé par la pandémie de Covid-19.  Les images, qui montrent un homme accroupi dans un camion-conteneur sur une montagne de restes d'animaux - os, restes et entrailles, collectés dans les supermarchés et destinés à la nourriture pour animaux et aux fabriques de savon - ont été prises à

  Brazilians looking for food among the carcasses of animals, shocking photos become a symbol of extreme poverty   Brazilians looking for food among the carcasses of animals, the shocking photos become a symbol of the extreme poverty created by Covid The driver carrying the scraps from the butcher shop: «In the past people came to me to ask if I could give a bone for the dog.  Today people are begging me to get something to eat " 03 October 2021 Modified on: 03 October 2021 1 minute read A series of photo-shocks of starving Brazilians rummaging among piled up carcasses and butchery scraps, looking for something to eat, is becoming a symbol of the extreme social conditions faced by populous Brazil overwhelmed by the Covid-19 pandemic.  The images, which show a man squatting in a truck container on a mountain of animal remains - bones, scraps and entrails, collected in supermarkets and destined for pet food and soap factories - were taken in Rio de Janeiro from photojournalist Domin

  Brazilians looking for food among the carcasses of animals, shocking photos become a symbol of extreme poverty   Brazilians looking for food among the carcasses of animals, the shocking photos become a symbol of the extreme poverty created by Covid The driver carrying the scraps from the butcher shop: «In the past people came to me to ask if I could give a bone for the dog.  Today people are begging me to get something to eat " 03 October 2021 Modified on: 03 October 2021 1 minute read A series of photo-shocks of starving Brazilians rummaging among piled up carcasses and butchery scraps, looking for something to eat, is becoming a symbol of the extreme social conditions faced by populous Brazil overwhelmed by the Covid-19 pandemic.  The images, which show a man squatting in a truck container on a mountain of animal remains - bones, scraps and entrails, collected in supermarkets and destined for pet food and soap factories - were taken in Rio de Janeiro from photojournalist Domin

Brazil, the pain of hunger

  Brazilians looking for food among the carcasses of animals, shocking photos become a symbol of extreme poverty   Brazilians looking for food among the carcasses of animals, the shocking photos become a symbol of the extreme poverty created by Covid The driver carrying the scraps from the butcher shop: «In the past people came to me to ask if I could give a bone for the dog.  Today people are begging me to get something to eat " 03 October 2021 Modified on: 03 October 2021 1 minute read A series of photo-shocks of starving Brazilians rummaging among piled up carcasses and butchery scraps, looking for something to eat, is becoming a symbol of the extreme social conditions faced by populous Brazil overwhelmed by the Covid-19 pandemic.  The images, which show a man squatting in a truck container on a mountain of animal remains - bones, scraps and entrails, collected in supermarkets and destined for pet food and soap factories - were taken in Rio de Janeiro from photojournalist Domin

extreme poverty Brazil

  Brazilians looking for food among the carcasses of animals, shocking photos become a symbol of extreme poverty   Brazilians looking for food among the carcasses of animals, the shocking photos become a symbol of the extreme poverty created by Covid The driver carrying the scraps from the butcher shop: «In the past people came to me to ask if I could give a bone for the dog.  Today people are begging me to get something to eat " 03 October 2021 Modified on: 03 October 2021 1 minute read A series of photo-shocks of starving Brazilians rummaging among piled up carcasses and butchery scraps, looking for something to eat, is becoming a symbol of the extreme social conditions faced by populous Brazil overwhelmed by the Covid-19 pandemic.  The images, which show a man squatting in a truck container on a mountain of animal remains - bones, scraps and entrails, collected in supermarkets and destined for pet food and soap factories - were taken in Rio de Janeiro from photojournalist Domin

Brazilians looking for food among the carcasses of animals, shocking photos become a symbol of extreme poverty

    Brazilians looking for food among the carcasses of animals, the shocking photos become a symbol of the extreme poverty created by Covid The driver carrying the scraps from the butcher shop: «In the past people came to me to ask if I could give a bone for the dog.  Today people are begging me to get something to eat " 03 October 2021 Modified on: 03 October 2021 1 minute read A series of photo-shocks of starving Brazilians rummaging among piled up carcasses and butchery scraps, looking for something to eat, is becoming a symbol of the extreme social conditions faced by populous Brazil overwhelmed by the Covid-19 pandemic.  The images, which show a man squatting in a truck container on a mountain of animal remains - bones, scraps and entrails, collected in supermarkets and destined for pet food and soap factories - were taken in Rio de Janeiro from photojournalist Domingos Peixoto, already winner of several awards. "There are days I would like to cry," José Divino Sant