
Brasilien - Minister für Finanzen, Henrique Meirelles, verließ die JBS-Präsidentschaft für die Temer-Regierung Henrique Meirelles Aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie Wechseln zu: Navigation, Suche Henrique Meirelles Henrique Meirelles in einem Interview mit Folha de SP.  Minister für Finanzen von  Brasilien  Zeitraum  12. Mai 2016  Bis heute  Präsident  Michel Temer  Vorgänger (a)  Nelson Barbosa  24. Präsident der Zentralbank von Brasilien  Zeitraum  1. Januar 2003  Bis 1. Januar 2011  Präsident  Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva  Vorgänger (a)  Armínio Fraga  Nachfolger  Alexandre Tombini  Leben  Geburt  31. August 1945 (71 Jahre)  Anápolis, Goiás  Nationalität  Brasilianischer  Beruf  Ökonom Henrique de Campos Meirelles (Anápolis, 31. August 1945) ist der derzeitige Finanzminister von Brasilien, Exekutive des brasilianischen und internationalen Finanzsektors, ehemaliger internationaler Präsident von BankBoston und ehemaliger Präsident der Z

Brazil  Operation PF's Weak Meets JBS and BRF on Corruption Scheme Gerais and Goiás. "Weak Meat": largest operation in the history of PF agribusiness entrepreneurs Taxes even poured rotten meat; Among the 38 prisoners are executives of BRF and Seara; JBS is also one of the targets of the Federal Police Operation Flesh is the largest in the history of the Federal Police, the institution said on Friday morning (03/17). After two years of investigation, the PF found that inspectors from the Ministry of Agriculture are working to "facilitate the production of adulterated foodstuffs by issuing sanitary certificates without any effective inspection." Everything, of course, tipped. Agribusiness entrepreneurs are among the targets of the 309 court orders. The numbers are superlative: 27 preventive prisons, 11 temporary prisons, 77 coercive conducts. The 194 search and seizure warrants, according to the PF, were made in homes

BRAZIL PRODUCTS USED IN SPOILED MEAT IS BAD FOR HEALTH? The Federal Police's "Operation Low Flesh" reported that Brazilian slaughterhouses used spoiled meat in sausages and sausages, and placed chemicals such as ascorbic acid and sorbic acid to make the food look healthier. PF stated that the acids were carcinogenic and could harm the health of the population. However, according to Anvisa (National Agency of Sanitary Surveillance), the substances are not carcinogenic. Both are on the list of food additives approved by the body - and are commonly used in food processing. In the list of Anvisa, sorbic acid appears in the category of preservatives and can be used in the dosage of 0.02g per 100g of meat. Ascorbic acid, better known as vitamin C, is allowed in the "enough amount to get the effect". If foods are on the list of additives are not carcinogenic substances, what can happen is that if consumed in excess, maybe do so