
What is Washington to Chaco? Cables released by WikiLeaks show a strong US interest in the vast area covering Paraguay, Bolivia and northern Argentina. Last modified:    July 24, 2012 14:06 Chaco War was fought between Bolivia and Paraguay, continues to fuel suspicions in the region [GALLO / Getty] In recent years, a host of individuals and organizations throughout Latin America drew attention to the turbulent state of politics in Paraguay, where the democratically elected President Fernando Lugo was impeached by Congress in the country a few questionable circumstances. In    a letter of protest   , the signatories sketched rather inflammatory theory. They argue, for example, that the US Southern Command would Lugo went as Paraguayan leader who opposed the US militarization in his country. "We already know who overthrew Fernando Lugo and why," they added. "El Chaco ... can not be allowed to belong to [Paraguay]