capital paranaense

promiscuous system., a corrupt system. All parties Brazil assimilated this system and even the party to which I belong

Fri, 03/06/2015 20:45 | Updated: 03/06/2015 at 20:45


From the Newsroom and agencies

The Supreme Court (STF) released on Friday, 6, the list of names that will be investigated for alleged involvement in the scheme triggered by Operation Lava jet.
The names are linked to requests for investigation by Rodrigo Janot, Attorney General of the Republic, on the basis of plea bargaining the money changer Alberto Youssef and former director of Petrobas Paulo Roberto da Costa.
Was authorized by the Minister Teori Zavascki, the Supreme Court (STF), to open an inquiry to investigate 47 politicians suspected of participation in Petrobras corruption scheme revealed by Operation Lava jet.

Confira os nomes que fazem parte da lista:
- Senador Ciro Nogueira (PI)
- Senador Benedito de Lira (AL)
- Senador Gladson Cameli (AC)
- Deputado Aguinaldo Ribeiro (PB)
- Deputado Simão Sessim (RJ)
- Deputado Nelson Meurer (PR)
- Deputado Eduardo da Fonte (PE)
- Deputado Luiz Fernando Faria (MG)
- Deputado Arthur Lira (AL)
- Deputado Dilceu Sperafico (PR)
- Deputado Jeronimo Goergen (RS)
- Deputado Sandes Júnior (GO)
- Deputado Afonso Hamm (RS)
- Deputado Missionário José Olímpio (SP)
- Deputado Lázaro Botelho (TO)
- Deputado Luis Carlos Heinze (RS)
- Deputado Renato Molling (RS)
- Deputado Renato Balestra (GO)
- Deputado Roberto Britto (BA)
- Deputado Waldir Maranhão (MA)
- Deputado José Otávio Germano (RS)
- Ex-deputado e ex-ministro Mario Negromonte (BA)
- Ex-deputado João Pizzolatti (SC)
- Ex-deputado Pedro Corrêa (PE)
- Ex-deputado Roberto Teixeira (PE)
- Ex-deputada Aline Corrêa (SP)
- Ex-deputado Carlos Magno (RO)
- Ex-deputado e vice governador da Bahia João Leão (BA)
- Ex-deputado Luiz Argôlo (BA) (filiado ao Solidariedade desde 2013)
- Ex-deputado José Linhares (CE)
- Ex-deputado Pedro Henry (MT)
- Ex-deputado Vilson Covatti (RS)
- Senador Renan Calheiros (AL), presidente do Senado
- Senador Romero Jucá (RR)
- Senador Edison Lobão (MA)
- Senador Valdir Raupp (RO)
- Deputado Eduardo Cunha (RJ), presidente da Câmara
- Deputado Aníbal Gomes (CE)
- Ex-governadora Roseana Sarney (MA)
- Senadora Gleisi Hoffmann (PR)
- Senador Humberto Costa (PE)
- Senador Lindbergh Farias (RJ)
- Deputado José Mentor (SP)
- Deputado Vander Loubet (MS)
- Ex-deputado Cândido Vaccarezza (SP)
- Senador Antonio Anastasia (MG)
- Senador Fernando Collor (AL)
The Federal Public Ministry asked the filing in seven other cases: Aécio Neves (PSDB-MG), defeated candidate for president, and Delcídio Amaral (PT-MS); and former MPs Alexandre Santos (PMDB-RJ) and Henrique Eduardo Alves (PMDB-RN), former Speaker of the House.
The senators Cyrus Nogueira (PP-PI) and Romero Juca (PMDB-RR) and the deputy and former minister Aguinaldo Ribeiro (PP-CP) had part of archived charges, but will survey targets in relation to the other party.
Antonio Palocci was also mentioned, but the minister of the Supreme Court decided, according to the request of the Attorney General, to refer the case to the first instance of the Federal Court in Paraná. The money changer Alberto Youssef said Palocci came to him to ask him resources for the campaign.

source images google
source writing

Senator Alvaro days

Senator alavaro days with the word -

promiscuous system., a system


All parties Brazil assimilated this system and even the

party to which I belong

Senator Alvaro Dias with the word

____________ I have patience with people who came here to

disrupt. è the first time over the years that we are re-

ited by that way to those who are not prepared for the financial

of DEMOCRACY. ________________________

We came here to talk ________ _________que this ______

vulgarization with excusos goals is very well what we

we are in the country ________ have headquarters is in the palace of the plateau or

subsede is standing in the penitentiary Papuda ,. The assaltan-

ing the public coffers of this country, those who unfortunately deviate

Billions of public coffers, can only be supported this


I want to ask voceis about the University, not me

I am here eventually pass and came in view of the conite

the rector to speak voceis what happens in Brazil. No

fear sercontestado regarding my views.,

because I did not come aquiem name of a political party. I come

here to fight a system, a promiscuous system. a

CORRUPT system. What is the Matrix governments

Incompetent and CORRUPT. that divert resources

I'm here to fight this system., SUPRAPARTI-


I'm not distinguish this or that party.

All parties Brazil assimilated this system and even the

party to which I belong. then I come here for a preaching

where are the young, the precursors of the future

and agents of change.

source images and video Youtube and google
writing source (transcription of some possible excerpts given the constants boos) eidtor

The spaces on the _________ boos


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