
Hiking Minimum Wage an Inefficient Tool to Fight Poverty: Fed Research by   JEFF COX, CNBC SHARE Share Tweet Share Email Print Comment Increasing the minimum wage is an inefficient way to reduce poverty, according to a Fed research paper that comes amid a national clamor to hike pay for workers at the low end of the salary scale. Fast-food workers and their supporters join a nationwide protest for higher wages and union rights outside McDonald's in Los Angeles on Nov. 10.  Lucy Nicholson / Reuters David Neumark, visiting scholar at the San Francisco Fed, contends  in the paper that raising the minimum wage has only limited benefits in the war against poverty, due in part because relatively few of those falling below the poverty line actually receive the wage. Many of the benefits from raising the wage, a move already undertaken by multiple governments around the country as well as some big-name companies, tend to go to higher-income families

Hiking Minimum Wage an Inefficient Tool to Fight Poverty: Fed Research by   JEFF COX, CNBC SHARE Share Tweet Share Email Print Comment Increasing the minimum wage is an inefficient way to reduce poverty, according to a Fed research paper that comes amid a national clamor to hike pay for workers at the low end of the salary scale. Fast-food workers and their supporters join a nationwide protest for higher wages and union rights outside McDonald's in Los Angeles on Nov. 10.  Lucy Nicholson / Reuters David Neumark, visiting scholar at the San Francisco Fed, contends  in the paper that raising the minimum wage has only limited benefits in the war against poverty, due in part because relatively few of those falling below the poverty line actually receive the wage. Many of the benefits from raising the wage, a move already undertaken by multiple governments around the country as well as some big-name companies, tend to go to highe

Senderismo Salario Mínimo una herramienta ineficaz para la Lucha contra la Pobreza: Fed Investigación

Senderismo Salario Mínimo una herramienta ineficaz para la Lucha contra la Pobreza: Fed Investigación por    JEFF COX CNBC COMPARTIR Compartir Pío Compartir Email Impresión Comentario El aumento del salario mínimo es una forma ineficiente de reducir la pobreza, de acuerdo con un trabajo de investigación de la Fed de que llega en medio de un clamor nacional para aumento salarial para los trabajadores en el extremo inferior de la escala salarial. Trabajadores de comida rápida y sus seguidores se unen a una protesta nacional para los salarios más altos y los derechos sindicales fuera de McDonalds en Los Angeles el 10 de noviembre  Lucy Nicholson / Reuters David Neumark, profesor visitante en la Fed de San Francisco, afirma   en el documento  que el aumento del salario mínimo tiene sólo beneficios limitados en la guerra contra la pobreza, debido en parte a que relativamente pocos de los comprendidos por debajo del umbral de la pobreza en realidad reci

Caminhadas Salário Mínimo uma ferramenta ineficiente para Enfrentar a Pobreza: Fed Research por    JEFF COX, CNBC COMPARTILHADO Compartilhado Chilrear Compartilhado O email Imprimir Comente Aumentar o salário mínimo é uma forma ineficiente para reduzir a pobreza, de acordo com um artigo de investigação Fed que ocorre em meio a um clamor nacional para caminhar de remuneração entre trabalhadores na extremidade baixa da escala salarial. Trabalhadores de fast-food e os seus apoiantes participar de um protesto nacional por melhores salários e direitos sindicais fora McDonald em Los Angeles em 10 de novembro  Lucy Nicholson / Reuters David Neumark, professor visitante no San Francisco Fed, alega   no documento  que o aumento do salário mínimo tem apenas benefícios limitados na guerra contra a pobreza, devido, em parte porque relativamente poucos daqueles caindo abaixo da linha de pobreza, na verdade, receber o salário. Muitos dos benefícios do aumento