Freedom catalonia

Iñaki Urdangarin sentenced to 5 years in prison for corruption

The Spanish Supreme Court (TS) today condemned Iñaki Urdangarin , brother-in-law of King  Felipe VI , to five years and ten months in prison in a corruptioncase  , which means a reduction of the initial penalty imposed of six years and three months.

The TS reviewed the sentences handed down in the first instance against defendants of the so-called " Nóos case " for the diversion of several million euros of public money to a non-profit foundation chaired by Urdangarin.

The sentence implies the entry into prison of Urdangarin, which could only be avoided if the Audiencia of Palma decided not to send him to prison in response to what the Constitutional Court could do if a probable appeal for amparo of the accused was admitted.However, given the penalty imposed, it is unlikely that the TC would suspend admission to prison, according to legal sources, so it would be the first relative of a king of Spain who enters prison.

In this regard, the Supreme Court has reduced the amount that the Court of Palma imposed to pay the Infanta Cristina as civil liability for lucrative title for the  case Nóos  from 265,088 euros to 136,950 euros, on the understanding that he can not respond in this way to crimes prosecutors of her husband,  Iñaki Urdangarin .
The condemnation of Philip VI's brother-in-law is for embezzlement, fraud, administration fraud, two tax crimes and influence peddling and the reduction in the first instance is that the Supreme acquits him of the crime of falsification in a public document committed by an official, by understanding that his intervention has not been proven.
Waiting for this decision of the Supreme Court known today, Urdangarin, former international handball player, Justice allowed him to remain on probation with obligation to appear on the 1st of each month before the judicial authority in his country of residence, currently Switzerland .
In the "Nóos case", the diversion of more than six million euros from public funds between 2003 and 2006 was investigated at the Nóos Institute, a non-profit entity that Urdangarin led with his partner, Diego Torres, whose sentence has been reduced. from eight and a half years to five years and eight months in prison.
With information from EFE

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