Todos contra Trump

Todos contra Trump

Ele embarca de forma impulsiva em decisões nefastas

O potencial de danos que podem ser provocados por Donald Trump, no interior e no exterior dos Estados Unidos, justifica a formação de um movimento mundial de oposição ao seu governo. Apesar de tratar-se de um país democrático, Trump detém poder suficiente para, com a cumplicidade do Partido Republicano, assumir atitudes nocivas aos americanos e ao resto da humanidade. Isso porque, em decorrência de seu despreparo e perfil psicológico, ele embarca de forma impulsiva em decisões nefastas ao meio ambiente, aos países e classes sociais mais pobres, à cooperação econômica e segurança internacionais, à solidariedade entre os povos, ao progresso científico e às conquistas sociais.

"Fica dificil a gente entender uma politica de imigração causar 

morte ás crianças"

Renata capucci   jornalista  rede globo

Na esfera ambiental, por exemplo, atos como retirar os Estados Unidos do Acordo de Paris, enfraquecer as normas americanas disciplinadoras dos agentes poluidores, nomear como diretor da FEA (organismo protetor do meio ambiente) um empresário acintosamente contra essa agência, além de outras ações típicas de quem não acredita no aquecimento do planeta, irão acentuar a degradação ambiental vitimando imenso número de pessoas.

"Alguma coisa que trump  se mete que não é trampa"
Manhattan connection   -   rede globo new york
Denegrir o consenso científico referente à ação humana como causa da aceleração das mudanças climáticas equivale a uma demonstração de ignorância, demência ou interesses escusos. É sólida a evidência de que o debilitamento ambiental provocado pelo homem constitui principal responsável pelos aumentos de desastres naturais, estragos à saúde da população, conflitos pela disputa por recursos naturais básicos como água e alimento, fluxos anarquizados de refugiados, prejuízos à fisionomia geográfica e extinção de espécies animais e vegetais.

"Trump é o candidato da vingança e do òdio, contra a inteligência
e o progresso"
Arnaldo jabor   jornalista rede globo
A postura de Donald Trump a respeito desse tema contribui para tornar realidade a catastrófica previsão do físico Stephen Hawking, pela qual a humanidade corre risco de extinção nos próximos cem anos devido, em grande parte, às mudanças climáticas.
Outra ameaça à qualidade de vida e segurança mundiais provém do seu comportamento errático na área de política externa. Chefes de governo que negociam com a Casa Branca têm o direito de duvidar que os acordos firmados coincidirão com a conduta efetiva do mandatário americano, criando-se assim uma atmosfera de intranquilidade internacional. Também preocupa sua ambivalência ante a Otan e Europa Ocidental, menosprezo à América Latina, miopia em relação ao Oriente Médio e o tratamento efusivo que dedica a certos ditadores.

"Mantras de trump, odiamos muçulmanos, negros. Isto está sendo proferido ai  onde o mundo via como a celebração das desigualdades"

Monalisa perrone    apresentadora  rede globo
Não estou propondo antagonismo aos Estados Unidos, mas sim uma oposição explícita dos líderes mundiais, principalmente os europeus, aos posicionamentos do morador da Casa Branca que agridem o bom senso. Essa oposição seria bem-vinda pela maioria dos americanos, visto que o índice de aprovação a Trump encontra-se em apenas 36%, o pior já registrado, em seis meses de mandato, por seus antecessores dos últimos 70 anos. Vale registrar que os dois mais importantes jornais do país, “The New York Times” e “The Washington Post”, se opõem de forma incisiva ao atual presidente.

Marcello Averbug é economista
fonte                         imagens                    google
fonte                        redação            

the coup against Trump

Team that directs the coup against Trump, also directs the shock group "Lava Jato" to destroy Brazil and Latin America

speech that he gave on July 19, 2017 to congratulate himself, the Acting Assistant Attorney General of the United States, Kenneth A. Blanco, who then ran the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice, (because then Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin chose to head the Office on Financial Crimes of the Department of the Treasury), referred to the conviction that was dictated to the former President of Brazil, Lula da Silva, as the main example of the "extraordinary results" achieved thanks to the collaboration of the Department of Justice (DOJ) with Brazilian prosecutors in the so-called "anti-corruption" campaign called " Lava Jato ".

In particular, the unit of the Criminal Division of the DOJ that runs the "anti-corruption"  Lava Jato operation is the Fraud Section. From November 2014 to June 2017, who directed the Fraud Section of the DOJ, was none other than Andrew Weissmann, who was transferred on that date in June 2017 to be part of the shock group against Trump led by Special Attorney Robert Mueller .Weissman has long been Mueller's sidekick in the FBI, whose record of misconduct earned him the nickname of "Mueller's judicial pit bull."

Now that the whole judicial assault of Mueller against the Presidency of the United States, where more and more members of his team have been exposed for his corruption and illegal acts, is being unraveled quickly, it is certain that his Ibero-American operation,  Lava Jato , will run the same fate, and possibly to jail, which is where they should be.

As it is already known, Weissman was removed from the witch hunt team because his bias in favor of Hillary Clinton and his servility towards the attorney general of Barack Obama was publicly disclosed. Now every time Weissman is mentioned in the American press
nse, is to refer to the deep corruption that floods the Department of Justice and the FBI.

The former President of Brazil and Argentina, Dilma Rousseff and Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, respectively, denounced last week that nationalist and progressive leaders from all Ibero-America are systematically subjected to what they call " lawfare ", the use of the law as weapon of war, with the purpose of imposing regime changes and installing heads of state that will impose the policies of neoliberal austerity that have destroyed the region. Blanco's speech demonstrates that behind such " lawfare " against the neighbors of the United States, there are the same imperial interests that intend to execute a coup d'état in the United States to depose President Donald Trump from his post.

Blanco boasted of the role played by the DOJ in all this farce, in a speech he gave at an event of the Atlantic Council and the Inter-American Dialogue on "Lessons from Brazil: Crisis, corruption and global cooperation." Blanco welcomed his "friend, the Brazilian attorney general Rodrigo Janot", one of the key hit men in the Lava Jato operation  , who shared the podium with Blanco.

"It is difficult to imagine a better cooperative relationship in recent history than that of the United States Department of Justice and Brazilian prosecutors.We have cooperated and we have helped in a substantial way in a series of public issues that have now been resolved, and we are continuing with that in a series of investigations that are being carried out, "Blanco said.

"The cooperation between the Department [DOJ] and Brazil has led to extraordinary results. In the past year alone, for example, the Fraud Section of the Criminal Division and the team of the Brazilian operation  Lava Jato , were cooperating and coordinating in resolutions in four cases related to the Law on Corrupt Practices Abroad (FCPA in its abbreviations in English): Embraer, Rolls Royce, Braskem, and Odebrecht. Odebrecht is particularly noteworthy in view of its scope and extension, "Blanco continued.

"Indeed, just last week, prosecutors in Brazil reached a guilty verdict against former President Lula da Silva, who was accused of receiving bribes from the engineering company OAS in exchange for his help in winning contracts with the company. oil company Petrobas. Cases like this, is what has put Brazil at the forefront of the countries that work to fight corruption, both inside and outside of their country. "

Blanco revealed in that speech that the cooperation between the DOJ and the Brazilian prosecutors is so great, that they operate outside of "formal processes, such as mutual legal assistance treaties," often simply by calling on each other to overdo it. or request evidence, and only bother with the legal "formalities" when it is necessary for the evidence to be admissible when the case arrives at the trial.

Prosecutors and prosecutors throughout the region ("my good friend Raúl Cervantes, the Mexican attorney general, my good friend, the Panamanian Attorney General Kenia Porcell", from Ecuador and Colombia) enter and leave the offices of the United States Department of Justice to talk about the actions against "corruption", as Blanco also boasted. Although he did not mention the Argentine judge Claudio Bonadio, who has led the judicial atrocities against former President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, he is also part of the same political shock squad.

google images source
source redaction     jato-para-destru-a-brasil-ya-iberoamerica.html


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