Brazil - Chamber approves urgency for time frame in the demarcation of indigenous lands




The bill will be voted on by deputies next week.

 Chamber of Deputies approved, by 324 votes in favor and 131 against , the  requirement for the bill of time frame in the demarcation of indigenous lands ( PL 490/07 ). The project, in the form of the deputy Arthur Oliveira Maia (União-BA), restricts the demarcation of indigenous lands to those already traditionally occupied by these peoples on October 5, 1988, the date of promulgation of the Federal Constitution.

Pablo Valadares/Chamber of Deputies

Arthur Lira: the text will be voted on in plenary next week

In order to be considered traditionally occupied lands, it must be objectively proven that they, on the date of enactment of the Constitution, were, at the same time, permanently inhabited, used for productive activities and necessary for the preservation of environmental resources and physical and cultural reproduction.

The mayor, Arthur Lira, said he will put the project to a vote next week. “This proposal went through all the committees, and we could already be voting on the merits. With the urgency vote, we give the opportunity for another moment of discussion. So, don't talk about haste because the urgency was not necessary, ”he said.

The urgency vote generated clashes in plenary and turmoil among deputies. For Deputy Zé Trovão (PL-SC), the proposal will reduce conflicts in the countryside. “It is an audacious project, which would end the war between the indigenous people and the producers, and does justice to those who produce and support themselves”, he said.

Deputy Arthur Oliveira Maia also defended the proposal. “It is one of the most important issues for Brazil, for Parliament, for peace in the countryside,” he said. According to him, the current scenario brings legal uncertainty and allows people to use “self-declarations” to create indigenous reserves.

Maia will be the rapporteur of the proposal in plenary and, according to the leader of the Republicans, deputy Hugo Motta (Republicans-PB), he has already committed to dialogue between the benches.

The opposition was led by deputy Célia Xakriabá (Psol-MG), accompanied by the tribune of Psol parliamentarians with posters opposing the project. She stated that voting on the timeframe is a step backwards, invades a topic already under discussion by the Federal Supreme Court (STF) and violates the rights of indigenous peoples.

“The pen has murdered our rights. This is not a partisan agenda, but a humanitarian one,” she said.

Deputy Jandira Feghali (PCdoB-RJ) criticized the urgency vote. “This agenda can bring very serious setbacks to the rights and achievements of historically discriminated against peoples”, she pointed out.

Learn more about the processing of bills

Reporting – Carol Siqueira
Editing – Pierre Triboli

Source: Câmara de Notícias Agency


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