
antibiotic, efect and use

antibiotic, efect and use Antibiotics are a class of medications designed to treat infections caused by bacteria. They work by either killing bacteria or inhibiting their growth and reproduction. There are many different types of antibiotics, each targeting specific types of bacteria or infections. Effects of Antibiotics: Bacterial Eradication : Antibiotics kill bacteria or inhibit their growth, allowing the body's immune system to eliminate the infection. Symptom Relief : By addressing the bacterial cause of an infection, antibiotics can lead to a reduction in symptoms like fever, pain, and inflammation. Prevention of Complications : Treating bacterial infections promptly with antibiotics can prevent complications that might arise from untreated infections. Uses of Antibiotics: Treating Infections : Respiratory Tract Infections : Such as pneumonia, bronchitis, and sinusitis. Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) : Including infections of the bladder and kidneys. Skin Infections : Like c...

Trump threatens BRICS with tariffs if they dump the dollar

US President-elect Donald Trump has warned the BRICS countries that they will be hit with 100% tariffs if they attempt to set up an alternative currency to the dollar to settle trade deals. “Do not even think about creating your own BRICS currency, or the US will slam 100% tariffs on you,” Trump said in an angry tweet. “The idea that the BRICS Countries are trying to move away from the Dollar while we stand by and watch is OVER. We require a commitment from these Countries that they will neither create a new  BRICS currency , nor back another Currency to replace the mighty US Dollar, or they will face 100% Tariffs, and should expect to say goodbye to selling into the wonderful US Economy. They can go and find another ‘sucker!’,” Trump wrote. The US weaponised the dollar after  SWIFT sanctions  were imposed on Russia only days after its invasion of Ukraine, effectively banning Moscow from the using the US currency. Russia has begun settling most of its trade with China and...

Les dialogues et les dates indiquent que Bolsonaro était au courant du projet d'assassinat de Lula, Alckmin et Moraes, dit PF

  Une justice retardée est une justice refusée Martin Luther King Jr. L'ancien président brésilien Jair Bolsonaro fait face à sa deuxième accusation formelle, cette fois pour blanchiment d'argent. L'ancien président brésilien Jair Bolsonaro fait face à sa deuxième accusation formelle, cette fois pour blanchiment d'argent et association criminelle impliquant des diamants non déclarés en provenance d'Arabie saoudite. Cela fait suite à une précédente inculpation en mars pour avoir prétendument falsifié son certificat de vaccination contre le COVID-19. Pendant que la Cour suprême analyse le dernier rapport de police, le procureur général Paulo Gonet décidera des suites à donner. En août 2023, la police a révélé que Jair Bolsonaro avait reçu près de 70 000 dollars américains grâce à la vente de deux montres de luxe offertes par l'Arabie saoudite. La loi brésilienne exige que les citoyens déclarent des biens d'une valeur supérieure à 1 000 dollars américains lorsq...

Dialogues and dates indicate that Bolsonaro knew about the plan to kill Lula, Alckmin and Moraes, says PF

  Justice delayed is justice denied Martin Luther King Jr. Former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro faces his second formal charge, this time for money laundering Former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro faces his second formal charge, this time for money laundering and criminal association involving undeclared diamonds from Saudi Arabia. This follows a previous charge in March for allegedly falsifying his COVID-19 vaccination certificate. While the Supreme Court analyzes the latest police report, Attorney General Paulo Gonet will decide on further charges. In August 2023, police revealed that Jair Bolsonaro received nearly $70,000 from the sale of two luxury watches gifted by Saudi Arabia. Brazilian law requires citizens to declare assets worth more than $1,000 when arriving from abroad and pay a 50% tax on any excess value. Legal expert Renato Stanziola Vieira told The Associated Press that the indictment adds to Bolsonaro’s legal troubles, which his supporters label as politic...

Diálogos e datas indicam que Bolsonaro sabia do plano de matar Lula, Alckmin e Moraes, diz PF

Justiça adiada é justiça negada Martin Luther King Jr. O ex-presidente brasileiro Jair Bolsonaro enfrenta sua segunda acusação formal, desta vez por lavagem de dinheiro O ex-presidente brasileiro Jair Bolsonaro enfrenta sua segunda acusação formal, desta vez por lavagem de dinheiro e associação criminosa envolvendo diamantes não declarados da Arábia Saudita. Isso segue uma acusação anterior em março por supostamente falsificar seu certificado de vacinação contra a COVID-19. Enquanto o Supremo Tribunal analisa o último relatório policial, o procurador-geral Paulo Gonet decidirá sobre novas ações. Em agosto de 2023, a polícia revelou que Jair Bolsonaro recebeu quase US$ 70.000 com a venda de dois relógios de luxo presenteados pela Arábia Saudita. A lei brasileira determina que os cidadãos declarem bens com valor superior a US$ 1.000 ao chegarem do exterior e paguem um imposto de 50% sobre qualquer valor excedente. O especialista jurídico Renato Stanziola Vieira disse à Associated Press q...