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Why is Vladimir Putin's victory may end the Crimea from Ukraine blitz Russia


Why is Vladimir Putin's victory may end the Crimea from Ukraine blitz Russia

This is the real prize purse, and negotiations have already begun

By Nahlah Ayed,   CBC News   Posted: March 2014 19 5:00 am ET   Last Updated: March 2014 19 8:37 ET
From left, Sergei Aksyonov Crimean Prime Minister, Speaker of Parliament Vladimir Konstantinov, Vladimir Putin, serious and Sevastopol Mayor Alexei Chaliy participate in an elaborate signing ceremony in the Kremlin Public Broadcasting on Tuesday, making the peninsula Ukraine Sea Black part of Russia. (Sergei Ilnitsky / Reuters)
Say what you like about Vladimir Putin. But his appearance Tuesday at a joint meeting of the Russian Parliament held glowing.
It was, after all, a special lectures around the world watched. However, the historical look.
It was all moments, one for Putin to put an end to any doubts about your goals - there was a lot out there - and the signing of the Declaration and the Crimea part of the Russian Federation.
, Religious minorities sitting in the crowd, flags on either side of his majesty ornate chandeliers in the Kremlin, camera pictures deftly cut to the whole scene and reinforce key messages were sent Putin the world.
One thing that does not appear scenes of joy in that room.
In these events, look for a moment from the perspective of Putin.
The man who has long lamented the collapse of the Soviet Union, he finally managed to get a serious chunk of it back into the fold of Russia - and without the loss of Russian life.
No small feat. No wonder he was apparently doing well in the polls.
And given the lackluster response from the West - many hints, sanctions against Russian officials and a few vague threats of expulsion G8 - No wonder he did not seem worried.
Finally, the Crimea is now firmly in Russia, and Kiev in the West, the only way out of this negotiation and diplomacy. Wheels are already in motion.


اعتماد به نفس پوتین در این نقطه بر استدلال خود را که خروج کریمه را از اوکراین به عضویت روسیه در دیدار آزمون های حقوقی بین المللی، به رغم آنچه که دولت های غربی می گویند.
او با تکیه بر این مفهوم است که آن را به دولت نیمه مستقل کریمه بود که تصمیم به برگزاری همه پرسی روز یکشنبه، و آن است که یک اکثریت مردم کریمه که موفقیت چشمگیری در رای دادند و از اراده آزاد خود را برای پیوستن به فدراسیون روسیه were.
People in Sevastopol, Crimea, some waving flags of the former Soviet Union, are watching the program Address Russian President Vladimir Putin to the Federal Assembly on Tuesday, after he signed a treaty making Crimea part of Russia . (Open Ratner / Reuters)
The result - 96.7 percent in favor - was "more than convincing," Putin said yesterday.
Crimea was little mention of the new government was formed following the revolution there bags - without Ukraine's participation.The lack of debate before a referendum on Crimea's parliament is to vote on the bill outright denials of Muslim Tatar referendum. And the fact that two Ukrainian TV channel on the TV was unplugged Crimea, while a Russian stations were added, leading to a vote.
Of course, Putin also denied outright - and still denies - that there are Russian troops on the ground in the Crimea, the ominous context for political machinations.
But none of this matters to her now. With an overwhelming referendum, Putin clearly feels that the legal ground is safe.
He also knows that the West eventually will not exceed the Crimean war, especially if the case is won.


پوتین احتمالا محاسبه که در حالی که دموکراسی های بزرگ غربی ممکن است روسیه را از شرکت در برخی از جلسات G8 آینده به حالت تعلیق درآورد، آنها به احتمال زیاد به آن اخراج، آنجا که برخی از آنها ممکن است بخواهید نیست.
Russia joined the G8 in 1998 to encourage US, strengthened by the support of several member states, including Canada.
The idea was that the benefits of including Russia in this exclusive club would be better to delete it. Political better, for better stability, potentially, one day, even better economic sense for all concerned.
Most G8 members probably still believe that, despite the Crimea. A glance at the map shows why: Russia still critical of some of the world's major problems: Iran and Syria, to name just a few.
Many of these countries have strong economic relations with the Russian G8 Europe, either as a net energy importer or as financial centers, that they do not want to mess with.
While some, such as Canada, Russia may be more powerful, they are more likely to have foot line, if only to maintain some semblance of Western unity.
Meanwhile, in a more difficult environment, America's Foreign Minister John Kerry sanctions against Russia in a meeting at the State Department in Washington on Tuesday discussed. (Yuri Gripas / Reuters)
It is therefore likely that the G8 club will in some way have to get Putin to pay Crimea, short of throwing him go out.
Unless Putin's efforts continue to return more pieces of Soviet Russia. Unless he rushes to protect the rights of Ukraine East Russia as well.
Many diplomats and defense analysts fairly certain he will not do so.
But he still keeps a threat.
در حالی که او بارها گفت که او قصد ندارد از حمله به شرق اوکراین، که همچنین دارای یک بزرگی از سخنرانان روسیه، او همچنین اصرار داشت تا او را حفظ گزینه باید روس ها وجود دارد نیاز به حفاظت از خود.
This option is unlikely as it is definitely a much stronger response from the West.
But Putin's position provides lines for a transaction that is taking shape from the beginning, even as Russian troops were making their presence felt in the Crimea.
Putin seems to Angela Merkel in Germany revealed that he may with the idea of ​​international military observers, forcefully deprived of Crimea two weeks ago satisfied, go to the East of Ukraine the rights of Russian minorities there.
Their presence on the ground - naked, small and ultimately symbolic - still the impression the West has managed to "do something" concrete about the worst crisis, Europe will face at some time.
In the absence of the will on both sides to actually go head to head this crisis, symbol - and stage management - everything.

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Pet Shop Boys - Go West

Go East

Go West

(Together) we made our way                               
(Together) We will leave someday
(Team vamos, the vamos, the vamos, the vamos, and para o oeste!)
(Together) Your hand in my hand.
(Together) We program our

(Together) We will fly so high
(Together) Tell all our friends goodbye
(Together) we will start again
(Together) This is what we do:

(Go West) Life is peaceful
(Go West) In the open air
(Go West) where the blue sky
(Go West) This is what we have to do

(Together) We will love the beach
(Together) We will learn and teach
(Together) Change our pace of life
(Together) We will work and grow

(I love you) I know you love me,
(I want you) How could I disagree?
(And why) I make no protest
(And you say) you will do the rest

(Go West) Life is peaceful
(Go West) In the open air
(Go West) Baby, you and me
(Go West) This is our destiny
(Go West) Sun and winter
(Go West) We will do just fine.
(Go West) where the blue sky
(Go West) This is what we have to do

There, where the open air
We'll be (we'll be) what we want to
Now, if we make a stand
We find (we find) our promised land!

(I know that) there are many ways
(To live there) in the sun or shade
(Together) we instead find
(To settle) where there is not much space

(Do not look back) and place back East
(WWE) wrestling just to feast
(And we will) be prepared for two
(So ​​what) We are gonna do
(Oh, what we're gonna do ...)

(Go West) Life is peaceful
(Go West) there, in the open air
(Go West) where the blue sky
(Go West) This is what we're gonna do ...

(Life is peaceful there) Go West
(In open air) Go West
(Baby, you and me) Go West
(This is our destiny) Come, come, come, come

(Go West) Sun and winter time
(Go West) We will feel just fine.
(Go West) where the blue sky
(Go West) This is what we have to do

(Come, Come, Come, Come, Go West!)

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Skytalker 'person'
  • Skytalker 'person'
Uhmm .. sorry missed. What channel is that it shows again and I intervene?
  • 24 minutes ago
  • 0   Total
  • ddazuk
But then the CBC to tell you all that I think that's why Putin's speech did not read?
You can find it all here in English   text http://praguepost.com/eu-news/37854- S- speech of Putin in Crimea  expressing brilliant if I may say? And yes, I read it entirely
  • 28 minutes ago
  • 3   Display
  • williammorgan
Do not use the word in as little blitz of advertising?
  • 28 minutes ago
  • 0   Total
  • Eye1derWho
It is clear that Putin plans to keep Crimea regardless of the economic and political posturing by the United States and Europe (Canada IMO distant background noise in this matter).Now what Putin appitite other countries bordering this? Putin buffer states that the ruling government in the same manner as he needs. Putin can not have what the media or the newly released politicis Hungry, Poland, Czech or Solvak happening in downtown Moscow any time soon. Putin and the Russian government should think like performance in ...   »more
  • 29 minutes ago
  • 0   Total
Son Canada
  • Son Canada
Chairman of the Ukrainian TV brutally attacked yesterday by Svoboda MP and later kidnapped http://huff.to/1fFIk0U
Is this helpful? Why not take credit or coverage?
  • 31 minutes ago
  • 1   Like
Skytalker 'person'
  • Skytalker 'person'
Life is short and then you hemmorrids - to crack a smile like any button.
  • 32 minutes ago
  • 1   Like
  • WooooHoooo
If Russia did not violate the 1994 Nuclear Non-Proliferation and leave their base, there are still a fan of the Crimea and the Ukrainian referendum to join Russia. Coup is not the same.Why does not Putin Peace Prize, perhaps, that he will distract the ground for a while.

  • 34 minutes ago
  • 1   Like
Simple man
  • Simple man
Seriously, that clown in 'Western government's decision to pull out of this lunacy? They should be fired and never listen to again. This is a direct result of the intervention, provoking the West over Putin at the Olympics. Victoria Nuland appears to be due to Europe's insulting because they are on board to do this thing "was. Canada and the United States have absolutely no business in the region. This is in Europe's borders, the borders of Russia, and includes a country caught the ...   »more

  • 34 minutes ago
  • 0   Total
Skytalker 'person'
  • Skytalker 'person'
The word on the street, do not swallow the red pill or you wake up a communist.
  • 37 minutes ago
  • 0   Total
  • scottdr33
Russian speakers still exist in Alaska. Is Putin's move to protect them? Does he regret the sale of Tsarist it? I'd love to see him try that one.
  • 43 minutes ago
  • 4   of
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