Atualizado em: 04/03/2015 - 3:48 pm
The minister Cid Gomes (Education) said that under the Deputy Eduardo Cunha, "the direction of the House will be a serious problem for Brazil." He said that all political forces have "social commitments" opposed to his election to the presidency Home.
And he lamented: "Are there some 400 deputies, 300 deputies that the worse the better for them. They want is that the government is fragile because it is the way they achacarem more, take more, take more of it, approve the amendments impositive. ". Information is the journalist's blog Josias de Souza, the UOL portal.
In Belem
Cid Gomes was speaking six days ago, last Friday (27), in Bethlehem. He gave up during a minister's visit to the Federal University of Pará. He met with teachers and rectors of Pará federal universities. also met with servers and students who welcomed with a protest against cutting funds for the federal educational institutions.
In one of the meetings, on the pretext of defending the management Dilma Rousseff, Cid Gomes attacked the legislature. "President Dilma, it is only the president. Do not think that a president of the Republic has the power to all, not. You think this election to the presidency of the Chamber happened according to her will? "She asked the minister at one point.
Tá recorded
The Cid Gomes himself answered. Before he said speaking in a personal capacity, not as auxiliary president -as if it were possible to distinguish one character from another. "It is not the minister who is talking about," he said. Cid suspected he was being recorded. "There are people shooting there. I know people always recording. "But did not stop his tongue. "I think the direction of the House today will be a serious problem for Brazil.". To listen to the statements of Cid, click here.
One of the suggested gifts Eduardo Cunha elected with the backing of the government. And Cid Gomes: "It was not, dear, was not. All that is more truly committed political force, more identified with this effort which increased the supply of higher education in Brazil, which has social commitments, which reduced poverty or extinguished the misery, all these people were against the election of who was elected over there."
The minister continued: "Now, things are like that, all right? Things are like that. There has about 400 deputies, 300 deputies that the worse the better for them. They want is that the government is fragile because it is the way they achacarem more, make more, take more, adopting the impositive amendments, for those who can ... With all due respect, too, because sometimes the guys want to send money somewhere, but is a war, is a war ... "
300 picks
Statements Cid Gomes echo a phrase uttered by Lula in September 1993. At that time, he was candidate for the presidential election of 1994 went through the Amazon states in campaign. He said: "There are a minority in Congress that cares and works for the country, but there is a majority of three hundred picks defending only their own interests." Elected president two elections later, Lula allied himself to what he called "picks".
Brought to light in an instant Dilma faces a relationship crisis with its allies in Congress, the statements of Cid Gomes will have the effect of a gallon of gasoline poured on flames. First because Eduardo Cunha PMDB was already accusing the education minister of conspiring against the PMDB in Family Combo with Dilma.
All together
Second because, by including among achacadores supporters of budget "impositive" amendments, Cid Gomes attacked virtually the entire Congress. Including parliamentarians of his party, the Pros, who voted in favor of the constitutional amendment that obliges the government to implement the expenditure strung by Congress in the Union budget.
Cyrus and "Mor Pick" In an interview, before the wedge election, Cid's brother, Ciro Gomes, had said that if the government would support the candidacy of Eduardo Cunha (PMDB) to the presidency of the Chamber of Deputies, he would break the alliance with President Dilma.
"This guy must be, among a thousand picks, Mor pick. I know this guy from the Collor government. He operated on the PC Farias scandal in Telerj. After tava wrapped in the pension fund of the government Sedae Garorinho and is coming from. After tava wrapped around the Lula government with Furnas and now wrapped up the gogó at all by how much. And it's what banking colleagues. Everybody knows it. Previously, the thought pick the shade, there looking for the frame, he was making the picaretagens it hidden. Not now! He wants to be the mayor. If the PT more Dilma accept, I break off and go to opposition. Clearly. No matter the good faith of my brother Cid Gomes. I filled, "he said Cyrus.
See the video:
Video: Cyrus talks about Cid errors, disappointment with Tasso, is critical to Rousseff and militia reveals details in PM
With information portal UOL
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