"Brazilian corrupt media makes fun of Carrie Fisher's death"

Globe correspondent joke about Carrie Fisher's death

New York-based Globo correspondent Jorge Pontual has caused some discomfort in Internet users and viewers when he comments on the death of actress Carrie Fisher on Tuesday. In a play on the Globonews news channel, Pontual made a fictional account of a Chewbacca character's "statement" about the actress's passing, known for her role as Princess Leia in the Star Wars saga.
Also a character in the film franchise, Chewbacca, as is well known, is communicated through very characteristic grunts - and this was the "statement" reproduced by the correspondent. Pontual's comment was, of course, jokingly, a feature of several of his appearances on the Globonews program in Pauta, in which participation occurred.
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