"Marine Le Pen welcomes Trump's voluntarism" protectionism "

"He puts in place an economic patriotism, intelligent protectionism,"

Marine Le Pen, the FN candidate for president, a Thursday in Paris the "voluntarism" of US President Donald Trump Elected matière protectionism, So What Ford preferred to favor plant in June in the US Rather What Build At the Salue Mexico. 

"See Like Donald Trump, by voluntarism, a successful taxpayer to Ford to repatriate part of its production to the United States" Salutes LORs of its seventh and last presidential convention devoted to entrepreneurship and innovation to it. 

The American automotive group Ford announced Tuesday cancels the construction of a new $ 1.6 billion plant in Mexico to invest in its facilities in the north of the United States. 

"The salvation of our companies and our economies passes through economic patriotism" and "intelligent protectionism" which "will be Impossibles As long as WE will be Prisoners of the Euro", "a too expensive currency" said the MEP . 

Previously, the face to June France "eaten away" by "mass unemployment," Marine Le Pen had estimated that there was only "one cure alone, job creation hundreds of thousands nominal." 
"This Are Entrepreneurs Who Create Jobs," she says. "Fighting to pay for entrepreneurship means fighting for the Wages and for jobs". 

Marine Le Pen has few axes statement son economic project will be unveiled Who Completely Lyon, early February, "one-stop bridge between companies and union administration",  

 "freedom to hire without too heavy contributions", "freedom 'Without having to evolve to be BRAKED by the Banks',' strict control 'and' reduction 'of payment deadlines,' lower and fairer taxation of households and businesses', ' A main farm but discernment with ". 

Marine Le Pen also proposed that "life insurers have an obligation to place 2% of their 1.600 billion in venture capital assets" pay "creation and facilitate the development of new businesses." 

The candidate also wants to conditionally subsidize the "Innovative start-ups". 
"It 's time to end it with this RSI That drives too Often at the RSA is," said also Marine Le Pen, who wished to "offer non - social shield to Independents by retaining the specificity of their regime". 

"My Presidency Sérums That of Justice in Economic Matters, UN Better Balance Between Work and Capital, Between the Real Economy and Finance, Globalization Wild Rejection, Better Balance Between Large Groups and SMEs" Said the far right candidate. 
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Ma  rine Le Pen, candidate for the presidential election of 2017, on Tuesday accused his opponent Francois Fillon right to play the game of communalism and welcomes the other hand, the policy developed by leprésident elected Donald Trump.
By invoking his Christian faith to defend his social program, the candidate Les Républicains created a "malaise", declared the president of the National Front in France 2.
"The French are obviously very attached to their faith, to their religious beliefs when they have them," she explained.

"But (...) the opportunistic use of this faith to defend itself against a political criticism is profoundly contrary to secularism, and therefore contrary to the values ​​that are ours and which are eminently debatable."
"How are we going to fight communitarianism if we send this signal? How are we going to impose ourselves on those who, tomorrow, want to do politics in the name of a religion, such as Islam, if M Fillon uses this Type of the social security argument? "
By invoking his Christian faith to defend his social program, the candidate Les Républicains created a "malaise", declared the president of the National Front in France 2.

"The French are obviously very attached to their faith, to their religious beliefs when they have them," she explained.
"But (...) the opportunistic use of this faith to defend itself against a political criticism is profoundly contrary to secularism, and therefore contrary to the values ​​that are ours and which are eminently debatable."
"How are we going to fight communitarianism if we send this signal? How are we going to impose ourselves on those who, tomorrow, want to do politics in the name of a religion, such as Islam, if M Fillon uses this Type of the social security argument? "

The extreme right leader once again criticized the "brutality" of the former prime minister's program, which offered to reimburse only long-term care or a serious illness, leaving the rest to the mutualities, a rear machine after The primary right.
"We are in the midst of the flu, if Mr. Fillon was to implement the project, there would be no refund of the cost of the flu vaccine for the elderly"?  Has. - She said  "All This, of course, totally breaks with the well-being system our fellow citizens are attached to. "
Marine Le Pen, on the other hand, found "very interesting" the project drafted by Donald Trump, which puts pressure on the US auto industry not to relocate its production outside the United States.

"He puts in place the measures for which I have begged him for years and that I have always said in the political class and the media that they are impossible to implement," said the president of the FN.
"It puts in  place an economic patriotism, an intelligent protectionism" at -  she continued. "It would not shock me, quite the contrary, to explain to French companies that they can not with impunity escape the tax (...), which they can not with impunity relocate." google pictures Police Police redaction google 2


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