Governo Temer considerando consegna Spaceport Alcantara per gli Stati Uniti

Cruvinel dice

Il giornalista Tereza Cruvinel ha scritto il Martedì (26) su una possibile ripresa del Trattato concessione della base militare di Alcântara, nel Maranhão.Secondo il rapporto, la consegna del spazioporto per gli Stati Uniti sarebbe una iniziativa del ministro degli affari esteri, José Serra. E 'stato l'incontro con l'ambasciatore brasiliano a Washington, Sergio Amaral, per riprendere la negoziazione.

Nessuna informazione sulle date o scadenze, ma lo scenario è coerente con l'atteggiamento remissivo di Serra. Da quando ha assunto la cartella, il nuovo capo del Ministero degli Esteri ha invertito le decisioni autoaffermazione delle ultime tre amministrazioni, compreso il coordinamento con i BRICS e la promozione di politiche di sud-sud.

Secondo il rapporto, la locazione Alcantara sarebbe "ampi poteri" agli americani, tra cui lo svolgimento delle attività aerospaziali in segreto. La scelta di Amaral per lo svolgimento del procedimento non sarebbe stato vano: nelle sue molte posizioni durante il governo FHC, è stato uno dei principali partner del presidente PSDB dalla comunità internazionale, la costruzione del personaggio sottomesso che ha caratterizzato la diplomazia sotto la PSDB.Nel 2000 l'accordo, è stato il relatore della questione in commissione per le relazioni estere e la difesa nazionale, e da lì è venuto i termini che sarebbero fornire Alcântara per gli americani entro il 2002. Il problema è stato accantonato con l'elezione di Lula, che ha considerato " dannoso sovranità nazionale ".

L'Alcantara Launch Center ha una caratteristica unica sul Pianeta Terra, che ha suscitato l'interesse di molte nazioni con tecnologia aerospaziale. Per la sua posizione privilegiata sull'equatore, la base riduce del 30% del costo di un lancio. In pratica, ciò rappresenta decine di milioni di dollari salvati per operazione. Il Brasile tiene collaborazioni con diversi paesi per sfruttare questo potenziale, compresi gli Stati Uniti.

Sabotaggio nel programma spaziale brasiliano

La polemica intorno alla base di Alcântara è aggravato dal grave incidente si è verificato nel mese di agosto 2003, quando il lancio di un razzo trasformato in un incendio catastrofico, uccidendo decine di persone. L'evento non solo ha preso la vita di molti professionisti qualificati nel campo della ricerca spaziale, come ha gettato un secchio di acqua fredda sul programma, poi uno dei più attivi al mondo.

Anche se è stato inizialmente considerato un errore tecnico, una serie di documenti trapelati da Wikileaks nel 2011 ha rivelato in seguito che il governo degli Stati Uniti è stata aperta opposizione al successo della missione brasiliana, lavorando dietro le quinte per evitare che eventuali accordi di trasferimento di tecnologia il brasiliano Air Force. Questo ha portato molti analisti a speculare sul ruolo che gli Stati Uniti avevano nell'incidente al momento del lancio, con interpretazioni che punta a possibili tecnologie che avrebbero impedito anche la possibilità di sabotaggio diretto da ragioni geopolitiche.

In particolare, ciò che è noto è che gli Stati Uniti adottare una postura di impedimento al trasferimento delle tecnologie spaziali in Brasile. Un esempio evidente è la società binazionale Alcantara Cyclone Spazio (ACS), fondata in collaborazione con il governo dell'Ucraina ancora nel 2003 per la costruzione del ciclone-4 razzo. Come rivelato da Wikileaks, l'iniziativa è stata in gran parte boicottato dagli Stati Uniti, che utilizzano le pressioni e le politiche economiche per limitare i contributi dell'Ucraina nel progetto. Nel corso di 13 anni, la partnership non è riuscito a dare i suoi frutti, nonostante l'investimento del governo brasiliano.

Con le rivelazioni spia americani circa presidente Dilma Rousseff nel 2013, la teoria sabotaggio acquisito nuova forza tra gli analisti. Se non vi è infatti la riattivazione del contratto, sarà impossibile ignorare la possibilità di interferenze degli Stati Uniti in Alcantara.

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11 JUL 2012

Wikileaks: It reveals very serious sabotage US against Brazil endorsed by FHC and death of a Brazilian

For Brazil , a Father of All
Telegrams reveal veto intentions and US actions against the Brazilian technological development with the interests of various actors who hold or have held power in both countries
US diplomacy cables revealed by Wikileaks revealed that the White House take concrete actions to prevent, hinder and sabotage the Brazilian technological development in two strategic areas: nuclear energy and space technology. In both cases, there is the anti-national role of the great Brazilian media and flings open up, also unsurprisingly, the role played by former President Fernando Henrique Cardoso, harvested in a lush line with the strategic interests of the Department US State, the time displays problematic position for the Brazilian technological independence. The following article by journalist Beto Almeida.
The first of the disclosed telegrams, dated 2009, says that the US government pressured Ukrainian authorities to jam the development of Brazil-Ukraine joint project of implementation of the launch pad of the Cyclone-4 rockets - Ukrainian production - in Releases Center Alcântara, in Maranhão.  
veto imperial
The telegram from the American diplomat in Brazil, Clifford Sobel, sent to the US in February of that year, reports that Ukrainian representatives, through its embassy in Brazil, made steps to ensure that the US government revise the boycott position to the use of Alcantara for launch any satellite manufactured in the USA. The American response was clear. The mission in Brasilia should inform the Ukrainian ambassador, Volodymyr Lakomov, that the US "does not want" any space technology transfer to Brazil.
"We want to remind the Ukrainian authorities that the US did not oppose the establishment of a launch platform in Alcantara, as long as such activity does not result in the transfer of rocket technology to Brazil," said a telegram excerpt.
Elsewhere in the document, the US representative is even more explicit with Lokomov: "Although the US is prepared to support the Ukrainian-Brazilian joint project, since the TSA (US-Brazil Safeguards Agreement) enters into force, we do not support the native program of space launch vehicles in Brazil. "  
Shift in foreign policy
The Brazil-US Safeguards Agreement (TSA) was signed in 2000 by Fernando Henrique Cardoso, but was rejected by the Brazilian Senate after the arrival of Lula at the Planalto and yaw registered in Brazilian foreign policy, the same as much to bury the FTAA . In its rejection the Brazilian Parliament considered that its terms were an "affront to national sovereignty." The document, Brazil cede areas of Alcântara for US exclusive use without allowing any Brazilian access. In addition to the occupation of the area and the prohibition of any engineer or Brazilian coach in the release areas, the treaty provided US-based inspections without notice.
The diplomatic cables released by Wikileaks speak of the US veto to the development of Brazilian technology for rockets and indicate candida hope still maintained by the White House that the TSA is finally implemented as intended to former President Fernando Henrique Cardoso . But not only the White House and the former representative striven for serious limitation of the Brazilian Space Program because this effort some NGOs, often funded by international programs run by colonizing mentality, acted to curb the indispensable Brazilian technological leap to enter the select and fechadíssimo club of countries with capacity for economic exploitation of outer space and to launch satellites. Join them, the national media not highlighted the very serious confession of American sabotage against Brazil, probably because such an attitude contrary to its editorial historically refractory to national efforts for technological independence achievement in any area whatsoever. Especially where more displeasing the metropolises.  
Bomb! Bomb!
The other telegram from US diplomats published by WikiLeaks and also reveals veto intentions and actions against the Brazilian technological development came to the fore pie shape by Veja Magazine, and speaks of the gringa concern about the work of a Brazilian physicist, Ceará Dalton Girão Barroso, the Military Institute of Engineering, Army. Girao published a book with simulations developed himself, which would have deciphered the mechanisms of the most powerful US nuclear bomb, the W87, whose technology is saved to 7 keys.
The first suspect revealed in diplomatic cables was spying. Also, given the accuracy of calculations Girao, that there would be in Brazil a secret nuclear program, contrary, from the viewpoint of the USA, endorsed by the magazine, the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, signed by Brazil in 1998, As the Brazil-US Safeguards Agreement on the use of the Alcântara Base, the NPT was signed by Fernando Henrique. Based only on an imperial suspicion that the formulas used by the Brazilian scientist could be used by terrorists, the US, urged the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) which demanded an explanation from the government Brazil, even to propose the book collection-censorship "The physics of nuclear explosives." Requirement considered by the Brazilian military authorities as "IAEA undue interference in academic activities of an institution subordinated to the Brazilian Army."
As is known, the Minister of Defense, Nelson Jobim, vocalizing position of the military opposed to undue interference, is opposed to the signing of the Additional Protocol to the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Treaty, which would give the IAEA, controlled by the nuclear powers, right to unrestricted access to Brazilian nuclear facilities. Access that do not allow their own facilities, even though of course the failure, for years, a central goal of the NPT, which not only determines the non-proliferation but also nuclear disarmament of countries that are armed, which is not.
unilateral disarmament
The journal publishes providential statement of the physicist José Goldemberg, of course, in support of its editorial line of unilateral disarmament and renunciation of the sovereign nuclear technology development, as has been achieved by other countries, including Israel, never the target of sanctions by the IAEA or the UN, as it is against Iran. According to Goldemberg, a former secretary of science and technology, it is almost impossible that Brazil does not have in progress a project that could be easily directed to the production of an atomic bomb. All that the US wants to listen to strengthen the line of vetoes and technological constraints in Brazil, as shown in the cables released by Wikileaks. On the other hand, all that the US wants to hide from the world is the proposal that Mahmud Ajmadinejad, president of Iran, presented to the UN General Assembly, to be brought to discussion and implementation: "Nuclear energy for all, nuclear weapons for no one ". So far, strictly withheld to world public opinion.
Interventional growing
The newspaper also publishes frank and revealing statement of former President Cardoso: "If there is no nuclearized external enemies, neither Brazil intending to take a bellicose regional policy, so that the pump?" With the energy treasure that has on the seabed, or biodiversity, with abundant strategic minerals has underground and on the growth of military budgets of the great powers, followed by the imperial interventionism in various parts of the world, ignoring laws or borders, the former president statement is, say, a candor formidable.
the tunings between the foreign policy of the previous decade and the publishing of the mainstream media online support to the guidelines issued by the White House are known. So these media poles of unilateralism in disenchantment process and crisis are so embarrassed in front of the new Brazilian foreign policy that acquires every day, strong dose of fairness and reasonableness the more telegrams of imperial diplomacy as the above are disclosed by Wikileaks .
Below is a note commented by Vladimir G. friend who is also very interesting in cases involving possible sabotages EUAxBrasil: In September 2006, this accident became the greatest tragedy in the history of aviation in Brazil, with 154 dead. Apparently, a collision between the wingtip of an Embraer jet with a fuselage 737 Gol caused the fall of the largest aircraft. Besides all the news speculating the cause of the crash, the search for bodies and wreckage in the forest, pilots of errors, failures of radar ... circulated at the time a very curious email, to say the least ...
The author of the text spoke of a team of Brazilian scientists on board the plane. According to the text, these scientists carried out research on the use of microorganisms in electric batteries, a revolutionary technology that would allow the production of more efficient batteries that modern lithium batteries used in laptops and mobile phones. This virus battery would be more powerful, producing more energy in a smaller battery and lighter than lithium. There are other research on this type of battery, especially in the United States, where there is a large project on these batteries. However, according to the text, the Brazilian project was further advanced and surpassed the American. Unfortunately, the team of scientists who worked on this project died in the accident.

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B) 06 RIO 0445 C) 05 RIO 0615 Classified by Ambassador Clifford Sobel, reasons 1.4 (b) and (d). 1. (C) Summary: Drawing on ref A, the Ambassador raised USG concerns over potential Petrobras investments in oil and gas exploration in Iranian waters on the Caspian Sea with Energy Minister Silas Rondeau, Petrobras Southern Cone Manager Deccio Oddone and Foreign Ministry Under Secretary for Political Affairs Everton Vargas in a series of meetings March 25 and 26. These meetings followed up on an August 22, 2006 one-on-one conversation with Petrobras President Sergio Gabrielli in which the Ambassador made the same points. Our interlocutors acknowledged the seriousness of the issue to the international community and, although they did not say Petrobras would halt its Petrobras activities in Iran, they did make it clear that they understand the sensitivity of the political moment. Gabrielli also stated that Petrobras investments would not exceed Iran Sanctions Act limits over the next two years. End Summary. 2. (C) At an August 22, 2006 meeting with the Petrobras President and CEO Sergio Gabrielli (ref B) the Ambassador underscored with Gabrielli the importance of not investing in Iran, and particularly not at this moment, when Iran was defying the international community's efforts to stop uranium enrichment activities. Gabrielli responded that he understood the U.S. was exerting pressure on other countries, including Japan, to not proceed with significant investments in Iran at this time. He added that he understood that Japan had deferred its planned investment as a result. Gabrielli affirmed that Petrobras' investments in Iran over the next two years would not exceed the Iran Sanctions Act (ISA) ceiling. However, he emphasized that Petrobras believes it is important to build up a presence in Iran in hopes of improving its international position in the long-term trade. He expected any future investments to be focused on deep-water exploration and production, which were Petrobras' strengths. Gabrielli argued that were Petrobras or other major international energy companies not to invest, it would simply open the door for Chinese investment in Iran. The Ambassador closed the meeting by underscoring that, particularly with sanctions pending before the UNSC, it was important that the international community send a unified message to the Iranian regime by not pursuing investment in Iran. 3. (C) In a March 26, 2007 meeting, Minister of Mines and Energy Silas Rondeau -- who sits on the Board of Directors of the partially privatized parastatal -- told the Ambassador that Petrobras and the GoB understood that this was a "cautious moment" for the international community with regard to Iran. While Petrobras believed it was in its interest to open up new investment horizons, he understood that the GoB must also take into account the concerns of its strategic partners as it proceeded, and the U.S. was still Brazil's biggest strategic partner. 4. (C) In separate meetings with Petrobras Southern Cone Director Oddone and Itamaraty Under Secretary for Political Affairs Vargas, the Ambassador was assured that Petrobras and the GoB, respectively, took seriously USG concerns over Iran. SOBEL

2007 Marzo 28 11.00 (Mercoledì)
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TE - Telegramma (cavo)
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