Curitiba, the Municipality of Curitiba, State Government of Paraná and RPC and TV Globo Television Network


CGU - Comptroller General of the UNION

Roberto Marinho Foundation - Jose Roberto Marinho

Congratulations Minister Eliana Calmon and CNJ (National Council of Justice), from this humble Brazilian who writes these lines.
Congratulations again to start the program again and many others for the benefit of the defense of the Brazilian family.





The New Beginnings Program consists of a set of actions aimed at raising awareness of public and civil society with the purpose of coordinating, nationally, the proposed work and professional training courses for prisoners and those leaving prison system in order to implement actions to promote citizenship and reducing recidivism.

The program includes the following initiatives:

1. Conduct advocacy campaign to create a network of citizens in favor of rehabilitation;

2. Establish partnerships with employers' associations, civil organizations and public officials to support the actions of reintegration;

3. Implement initiatives for the strengthening of Community Councils, to fulfill its primary legal authority - social reintegration of the person imprisoned or subjected to measures and alternative sanctions.

4. Integrate social services in the selection of project beneficiaries;

5. Create a database of job opportunities and education and vocational training;

6. To monitor the indicators and targets rehabilitation.

Here are details on this project:
1. Introduction

While in Brazil do not have precise studies on the rate of recurrence, in a broader sense, the prison task forces have shown a significant number of people with more than one process in the criminal courts and the courts of criminal enforcement, indicating a high rate of recidivism consistent with surveys that lay between 60 and 70%.

High recurrence rates have direct impact on public safety, and their reduction, among other measures, requires the implementation of rehabilitation programs consistent.

It should be noted that in addition to preventive and punitive, criminal enforcement must also provide conditions for the harmonious social integration of people incarcerated.

In this context, highlights the need for integration of public departments and civil society in the process of execution of the sentence, understood their roles in this preventive, punitive and social reintegration.
2. Project Scope

The New Beginnings Project consists of a set of actions aimed at raising awareness of public and civil society with the purpose of coordinating, nationally, the proposed work and professional training courses for prisoners and those leaving prison system in order to implement actions to promote citizenship and reducing recidivism.

The program includes the following initiatives:

1 - do advocacy campaign to create a network of citizens in favor of rehabilitation;

2 - establish partnerships with employers' associations, civil organizations and public officials to support the actions of reintegration;

3 - implement initiatives for the strengthening of Community Councils, to fulfill its primary legal authority - social reintegration of the person imprisoned or subjected to measures and alternative sanctions.

4 - to integrate in the social services to beneficiaries of the project;

5 - create a database of job opportunities and education and vocational training;

6 - to monitor the indicators and targets for rehabilitation.
3. Strategic Alignment

The project is aligned with the Strategic Objective of the CNJ to Promote Citizenship and disseminate Ethics and Moral Values ​​by Means of Effective Institutional Practices.
4. Customers of the project

Prisoners, graduates of the prison system and abiding measures and alternative sanctions, non-governmental organizations, public officials, private companies, judges, association classes, community councils.
5. Rationale

According to article 1 of Law No. 7.210/84 criminal enforcement is the aim to confirm the provisions of criminal sentence or decision and provide conditions for the harmonious social integration of the offender and the hospital.

The full effectiveness of the device requires a rethinking of criminal enforcement and the role of the judiciary as the body responsible for enforcement.

The model law is expected to be implemented in full, global, not restricted to the control of penalties, but should consist of measures of social rehabilitation and effective compliance with the minimum rules for treatment of a person imprisoned or subjected to penalties and alternative measures .
6. Indicators and targets of the program

6.1 Since the main objective of reducing recidivism (in the broad sense), its measurement is necessary for the improvement of the project over its execution, and will be made from the vacancies available and used for professional training courses and work.

The indicators and targets below are specific to the New Beginnings Project, and its evaluation is restricted to inmates, ex and abiding measures and alternative sentences are included, the number of prisoners in each state and the number of jobs offered.

Recidivism rates

Relapse rate, seen as the percentage of project beneficiaries who are arrested, indicted or prosecuted for the fact after the start of the course or work.


The goal is to reduce the rate of recurrence for at least 20% in the first year, keeping it at that level in subsequent years - quarterly monitoring.


Number of courses and \ or work offered to the state prison population.


The goal is to offer the first year of the project, courses and / or work to 10% of the prison population in each state. From the second year, increasing 10% per year.
7. Milestones and deliverables of the program
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Schedule Responsible
Top End
1 - Preparation of resolution CNJ - Emphasis on implementation of Community Councils 15/09 29/09 Dr. Erivaldo
2 - Production and dissemination of media campaign to raise awareness of public officials, judges, private, non-governmental organizations etc.. 3.11 12/01/10 Marcone / Renato
3 - Signing of Cooperation Agreements with partner organizations to offer courses of vacancies and / or work 30.9 undefined Counsel
3 - Creation of working groups in each State for management of the New Beginnings Project 30/11 30/12 Presidency of the Courts
4 - Creation, identification and monitoring of Community Councils 10/01/09 01/30/10 working groups to be constituted in each State
5 - Development of Electronic System for registration of courses and job vacancies. 09/15/09 30/10 DTI
8. Program costs

The costs of the project will be on the development of systems for registration of jobs and courses and the media campaign.
Expenditure Category Specification Value in U.S. $
Intra-Structure Systems Development IT - Software Factory Included in the Contract / CNJ
Communications, Broadcasting / Media Awareness Campaign included in the contract / CNJ
9. Programme Manager

Power-Lever social (google)

Municipal Prefecture of Curitiba, Curitiba-Paraná-Capital City Council of Curitiba, Paraná State Government, the Legislative Assembly of the State of Parana, Rio de Janeiro - Rede Globo - State Government of Rio de Janeiro, Rio City Hall January-Federal Government-Brasilia-DF-Band Curitiba-Bandeirantes TV-See Magazine - The Globe
Rpctv Paranaense - Roberto Marinho Foundation
new york times - cbs news - fox news - reuters - bbc london


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