Brazil genocidal public health policy


Ministry of Health rushed 'chloroquine app' during health crisis in Manaus


According to a Federal Police inquiry, emails from the Ministry cited the urgency of finalizing the application for presentation in Manaus

EDITING  PUBLISHED ON 06/10/2021, AT 10:34 AM

Amid the health crisis in Manaus in early 2021, the Ministry of Health of the Bolsonaro government   mobilized to finalize an application that recommended chloroquine for the treatment of  Covid-19 . According to  Folha de S. Paulo , the urgency of finalizing the platform was the content of several internal emails in the folder.

The messages indicate that the importance of accelerating the completion of the application (called TrateCOV) was because the then Minister of Health,  Eduardo Pazuello , would launch the platform in person in Manaus, a few days later.

As reported by  Folha de S. Paulo , an email at 5:10 pm on January 8 shows a server request for the creation of a URL for TrateCOV. According to the official, the creation of the address would be urgently needed "for the 'survey' that will be launched on Monday in Manaus by the minister." Two hours later, another message informed me that the URL was ready. 

The documents were analyzed by the Federal Police, which opened an investigation, as determined by the STF (Supreme Federal Court), to investigate alleged crimes committed by  Pazuello  during the oxygen crisis in Manaus.

The application is part of the investigation, and, according to the documents, was presented in Manaus on January 11, 2021, in the presence of  Pazuello  and secretaries such as  Mayra Pinheiro , the “chloroquine captain”. At the time, the city was experiencing a health meltdown due to overcrowded hospitals and lack of oxygen for Covid-19 treatment  .

As part of the indications, according to reports cited by  Folha de S. Paulo,  the Trate COV recommended the use of chloroquine, azithromycin and ivermectin combos without distinguishing between the clinical conditions of each patient. Despite being recommended by the Ministry of Health, the drugs are not effective in fighting the disease.

Subsequently, the app was taken down on the grounds of a "hacker attack". In the  Parliamentary Inquiry Commission  ( CPI )  of  Covid , however,  Mayra Pinheiro , the "captain chloroquine" said the platform was suspended because "called attention to the lack of hygiene and adherence to necessary care for much of the population."

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