The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Bible)

Help page on the disambiguationFor other uses, see The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse .
Print 'of Albrecht Durer represents the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are heavenly and mysterious characters mentioned in the New Testament , in the sixth chapter of theApocalypse . It is a reworking of two visions of a prophet of the Old TestamentZechariah 1 . Their ride inaugurates the beginning of the end of the world as they appear when the Lamb figure of Jesus resurrected, opens the first four seals.
Although they seem to succeed in time, the last verse seems to suggest that their rides are simultaneous:
"Power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. "
Several interpretations of the symbolic meaning of the riders were issued at different times.


Riders and their horses as described in the Apocalypse:
Colored horseColor symbolismAttributeActivitySymbolism jumper
WhitePurityCarries a bow and a crownConquestWord of God, or war of conquest
RedBloodshed, violence battlesCarries a big swordBanishes peaceWar (especially civil war)
BlackDefault, lackCarries a balanceBring the shortage of wheat and barley, but not-it seems oil or wineFamine
Pale greenishDiseaseDeath is called, carries a scytheAccompanied by HadesMortality epidemic

Illumination of Beatus Facundus , dated 1047. National Library of Spain .
Here is the text of the Apocalypse (6,1-8)
(1) And my vision continued. When the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals, I heard one of the four living creatures screaming in a voice like thunder, "Come! "(2), and there before me was a white horse and its rider held a bow, he was given a crown and he went forth conquering, and to conquer again.
(3) When he opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature shout, "Come! "(4) Then another horse came out, flaming red and he that sat on him, he was given to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each other that, they gave him a great sword .
(5) When he opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature cry out, "Come! "And there before me was a black horse and its rider was holding a pair of scales, (6) and I heard like a voice among the four living creatures, saying," A quart of wheat for a penny, three quarts of barley for a penny! As for the oil and the wine, do not spoil! "
(7) When he opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come (8) I looked, and behold, there appeared a horse of a greenish color.. Its rider was named Death, and Hades followed with him.
They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, by famine, by plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.


This whole passage has received very different interpretations. Some see specific references to a series of historical events given, usually in the first century 2 , but sometimes at the time saw that which produces this interpretation 3 , others a division of history into four parties or from the beginning of the world 4 , or since the advent of Jesus Christ, others finally a typology of different calamities that can strike humanity without having to specify a period of 5 .

White Horse (Conquest) edit edit the code ]

The white knight on a stained glass window of Saint-Denis.
Opinions on the first rider, riding the white horse, there are many 6 .
Many ancient and modern authors, Catholics, Protestants or unbelievers, saw the Christ ( Irenaeus , Victorin Pettau , Andrew of Caesarea ), or the triumphant gospel preaching ( Bede , Albert the Great , Ribeira, Bossuet , Bernhardt Weiss, Loisy , etc..). Indeed, although the first rider comes ahead of a series of plagues, the symbolic color ( leukos ) is clearly positive and without ambiguity, and indeed it reappears later in theApocalypse (19.11) clearly identified the "Word of God."
Other authors consider the expansion of a land power: either the conquering Roman Empire (including several authors of the Middle Ages, and Protestant), or the Parthian Empire invading the Roman Empire, particularly given that the border the Euphrates between the two empires is mentioned twice in the Apocalypse , and the Parthians were always represented as horse archers.

Red Horse (War) edit edit the code ]

(3) When the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say 
--- Come! 
(4) Another horse came out: it was a red light. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth so that men kill and a great sword was given to him. 7
The second rider is war 8 , and the color of his horse, red (πυρρός of πῦρ , fire), the blood spilled on the battlefield. It also carries a sword that represents the confrontation and combat. As stated they are slaughtered each other (Greek allèlous ), it may be referred to here especially civil wars, as opposed to wars of conquest that would be represented by the first rider 9 .

Black Horse (Famine) edit edit the code ]

The third rider, whose horse is black seems to represent famine. It carries a balance which means the evaluation and therefore the price achieved by the most characteristic products of the ancient Mediterranean world: grain, oil and wine. Grains reach an exorbitant price, a penny corresponding to the daily wage of an old worker. As for the oil and the wine, the rider is asked to spare, that is to say, after the Greek word used ( adikein ), not to cause them harm, not s' take them 10 .

Green Horse (Death) edit edit the code ]

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse by Viktor Vasnetsov(1887).
The fourth horseman (whose horse has a sinister color, difficult to identify precisely, and to be linked with the concept of "pestilence"). The color of its frame evokes fear, disease, decay, and death. It is accompanied or followed rather stay the Dead (Greek Hades , corresponding to Biblical Hebrew Sheol ).

Their collective mission modify modify the code ]

The passage ends with the words: "They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, by famine, by plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth." The vast majority of commentators reported this to all riders, not just the latter. In fact the sword is the second rider, hunger in the third and the fourth plague. This would imply that they perform their duties simultaneously and not sequentially. The addition in this context "beasts (Greek Theria ) of the earth "remains a mystery, even if it takes a commonplace disaster prophecies in the Old Testament .


Medieval representations modify modify the code ]

The black rider in the Bamberg Apocalypse (circa mil).
  • The four horsemen are represented in the illuminations of the comments called Beatus Apocalypse (the ix th to xii th  century) and more generally in many illuminated manuscripts of the Bible in the Middle Ages, such as the Bamberg Apocalypse (around the year 1000).
  • These riders are shown repeatedly on the Apocalypse tapestries exposed to Chateau d'Angers ( Maine-et-Loire ).

Modern representations edit edit the code ]

  • One of the most famous representations of the Four Horsemen is the woodcut Dürer reproduced at the top of this article.
  • The horseman of Death is represented in a painting by Joseph Mallord William Turner, entitled "Death on a Pale Horse" (1830)

Contemporary references edit edit the code ]

In the contemporary world dominated by Anglo-Saxon culture itself steeped in references to the Bible, there are many recent works that refer to the myth of the mysterious horsemen.

Literature modify modify the code ]

  • The novel 's Agatha Christie The Pale Horse refers directly to riders, especially in death.
  • The autobiographical novel 's Eugenio Corti , the Red Horse , uses metaphors red and pale horses to describe both sides of theSecond World War . The red horse, which gives the book its title, symbolizes the war from 1940 to 1943 and the pale horse, that from 1943 to 1945 with the camps and the civil war.
  • The Four Horsemen are mentioned in the book Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman . In this book, they are appointedPollution , War , Famine and Death . Indeed, Pestilence took early retirement following the discovery of penicillin , and is then replaced by pollution .
  • In the book series of Terry Pratchett 's Discworld Annals of the Four Horsemen are recurring characters, but death is the most recurring and is one of the main characters of the Annals. There was a fifth horseman, called Kaos, who left before they became famous (nod to Beatles )
  • In the novel Monique St Helier , The Cavalier Straw , the title of the book and the second part the yellow horse , refer to the pale horse of death.

Comics edit edit the code ]

  • In the universe Marvel U.S. comics, eternal character Apocalypse also has time for a few misdeeds his Four Horsemen . "Death" has been personified by Archangel , Caliban , Gambit and Wolverine  , "Famine" by Ahab , Autumn Rolfson and Sunfire  , "Pestilence" by Caliban, Plague and Polaris  ; "War" by Deathbird , Gazer , Hulk and Abraham Kieros .
  • In the series Chevalier Ardent , they intervene in the album The Horsemen of the Apocalypse .
  • In " Wormwood (comics) "Ben Templesmith, the four horsemen appear as such. Everyone has a nickname: Pestilence alias "Pesty" Death aka "Mr. M", aka War "Big G." Famine and alias "Fimfam". They embody a more current view of themselves and are reluctant to carry out their mission, preferring to wallow in sex and drugs (as well as video games for Famine).
  • Marsh's character in the series " The Goon "is a nod to the rider's death, including his adventure derived from the main story, where he rides a dead horse.
  • In Drago Burne Hogarth , they are atomic destruction planned by Baron Zodiac, a Nazi mad-redundant refugee in Argentina.

Cinema edit edit the code ]

TV series modify modify the code ]

  • It is also noted their presence in the television series Highlander , in the form of four warriors amoral sowing torments they are called. One of the characters in the series, Methos was none other than the rider "Death."
  • The Four Horsemen are present in episode 21 of the second season of Charmed , in which riders are elected evil. In this episode jumper "Pestilence" is replaced by the rider "Riot".
  • The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse appears at the end of episode 18 of season 10 of The Simpsons , The Simpsons in the BibleSimpsons Bible Stories ).
  • In season 5 of the series Supernatural , the Cavalier of War is a very powerful entity that has the power to manipulate people's perceptions to cause conflicts with the rotation of a ring. It does not have a red horse, but a Mustang of the same color. The Rider of Death is, meanwhile, released by Lucifer through a great ritual slaughter in the city of Carthage ( Missouri ). We'll see in episode 21 where he will give his ring to Dean. His horse is represented by a beautiful old car pale. Famine appears in episode 14 as an old man at the head of a squad of demons lent by Lucifer, his power is "starving" people of their cravings for they always want more (hunger, thirst, libido , etc.). Like the others, it is due to a power ring. His horse is a Cadillac Escalade black. Pestilence, meanwhile, loose epidemics with his ring. His horse is represented by a good car for the case registered sikn TRD ( Sick and Tiredof Sick and Tired) and greenish color.
  • In season 6, episode 3 of the English series Red Dwarf , the four heroes face the Horsemen of the Apocalypse
  • In episode 4 of season 6 of the series Dexter , the Horsemen of the Apocalypse riding appear in the streets of Miami, it is actually a member of a sewn in different parts of human body models that mount the horses.
  • In episode 8 of season 4 of Misfits , one of the characters (a nun) shows it despite the Horsemen of the Apocalypse when witnessing violence.

Song modify modify the code ]

  • Four Horsemen is a song by British band The Clash on the album London Calling .
  • One of the riders was raised by Mylène Farmer in his music video Provided they are soft  : at the end of fighting between the French army and the British Army, the young British soldier back at one of the paragraphs of The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, when dating, riding a black steed, extends his hand.
  • The Four Horsemen are mentioned in the song The Four Horsemen of Metallica , although the war is replaced by the Time, Time(the group, which is composed of four members, is called The Four Horsemen ).
  • The Four Horsemen are mentioned in the song The Four Horsemen of the Greek band Aphrodite's Child in the album 666  , the fourth horse is described as "green", translated from the Greek chloros .
  • On the album United abominations of Megadeth , the title Blessed are the dead is dedicated to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
  • The Scottish rock band The Bollock Brothers released an album in 1986 entitled The 4 Horsemen Of The Apocalypse . The song of the same title refers to Satan and specifically the song Sympathy For The Devil of Rolling Stones .
  • The song Johnny Cash When the man comes around starts and ends with quotations from the Apocalypse of St. John in the early passage of the first rider, and at the end of the last rider. The song itself evokes the last judgment.
  • In the first part of the album Nostradamus of the heavy metal band Judas Priest , several songs are a direct reference to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: "The Four Horsemen", developed in particular by "War", "Pestilence and Plague" and "Death".
  • In the song Raelsan, French rapper OrelSan, it refers directly to the Horsemen of the Apocalypse in speaking of his group.
  • The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse appear in the storyboard of the song Rhinestone Eyes group Gorillaz Murdoc when a pact with the Boogieman to kidnap 2-D.
  • It also refers to the last rider of the Apocalypse in the song "Dark Days" of Australian metalcore band "Parkway Drive" ("Behold the pale horse").
  • In "Four Horsemen" from the album " The Gospel According to the Meninblack "(1981), the Stranglers are an analogy between the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and four alien spaceships.

Groups modify modify the code ]

Video Games edit edit the code ]

  • One can find the Horseman of the Apocalypse representing the War in the video game Darksiders and one representing death in his suite, Darksiders II .
  • The Four Horsemen are faithfully represented by their title and the four colors in the video game Fallout Tactics . It is a random encounter in the game The Four Horsemen debate around a fire. They are difficult to overcome without the Super-armor of the game because each has nearly 5,000 points and unarmed attack. They however are not aggressive and do engage in combat if the player opens the hostilities.
  • The Four Horsemen are quite faithfully represented in the video game Hexen II . These are the four bosses that one faces at the end of each world that we visit (the pharaonic Egypt , to Mesopotamia , the ancient Greece and medieval Europe).
  • The 4 Horsemen are present in the video game Sam & Max (season 2, episode 1 Ice Station Santa ) which, combined with an alien mind, they try to destroy the spirit of Christmas .
  • The video game Apocalypse starring Bruce Willis , is to boss the Four Horsemen: Death, Pestilence, War and the Beast.
  • In the game Warlords Battlecry 3 , four demonic creatures of the world Etheria are known as a rider of war, death, pestilence, famine.
  • Knights Pestilence, Death, War and Famine are represented in the otherworld video game The Darkness .
  • Pestilence, Famine and Death are enemies of the astral plane, the last level of the video game Nethack . The fourth, War, is none other than the hero.
  • The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are hidden video game boss Shin Megami Tensei: Lucifer's Call , where they are represented as "Pale Rider", the "Red Rider", the "black knight" and "white knight." They are very powerful and therefore almost invincible creatures. It takes a high level of play to beat them hope.
  • They are also represented in the video game World of Warcraft , in the form of four riders, "death knights" in the service of the Lich King. They are the last boss of a wing of Naxxramas, an instance of level 60 (extended to 80)
  • The four horses are also present in the DLC "The Nightmares Overseas Tomb" of Red Dead Redemption as mounts for the hero.Famine has infinite endurance, invulnerability Pestilence, War ignites Zombies and Death tramples it blew the head of all the Zombies he stomps.
  • War, Death, Famine and Pestilence are in Quake IV, the names of the units in charge of delivering the bombs in the IEM Strogg Nexus
  • You could see in the game quake and its extensions, four windows depicting religious entities similar to the large mowers, below which were marked the names of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. Sometimes one of its mowers coming out of a window and attacking the player.
  • In the game League Of Legends champion Yorick The Gravedigger, uses four names knighted for his skills as Omen of War (which is white), Famine (which is red), fever (which is greenish) and Death (who is black)
  • The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse make their appearance in the game The Binding of Isaac in 4 bosses unlockable after completing the game once.
  • In the game Heroes of Newerth, the four horsemen are available as purchasable alternative models for existing heroes, with a fifth rider novel: "The Conquest."

Other edit edit the code ]


  1.  Zacharias I, 7-17 (three colors mentioned in the Masoretic text, but four in the Septuagint text) VI, 1-9 (four tanks with horses of different colors).
  2.  Eugene Boring for example seen in the white knight an allusion to win the Parthians won in 62 of the Romans in the valley of the Tigris .
  3.  For example, some Protestant sects in the red jumper see a figure of communism.
  4.  As with Mormons.
  5.  For example, the white knight would be the "militarism".
  6.  We find a detailed list of instructions with their variants and authors who have defended in the commentary E.-B. Hello, The Apocalypse , Paris, Lecoffre, 1933, p. 95-102, the author penchant for its part in the "Word of God".
  7. ↑ Translation of the Sower , 1999.
  8. ↑ Richard CH Lenski, The Interpretation of St. John's Revelation (reprint) , Augsburg Fortress, 2008 ISBN  0806690003 ) , p.  224 [1]  [ archive ]
  9. ↑ Leon Morris, The Book of Revelation (Tyndale New Testament commentaries) , Grand Rapids, Michigan, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1987, 2  ed. ISBN  0-8028-0273-7 ) , p.  100-105
  10.  This is why many see it as an allusion to a difficult to determine specific historical event. As an ancient Greek commentator Andrew of Caesarea in turn implies that it is because the wine and oil are used by Christian rites. Only we could say the same wheat used to make the Eucharistic bread.
  11.  full reviews Stories Novels  [ archive ]
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