Division Brazil

UK plebiscite renewed hopes of separatist groups in Brazil


Grupo já divulga na internet campanha para plebiscito consultivo pela independência de São Paulo

Disclosure / São Paulo Free Movement
Group already publishes on the Internet campaign for advisory referendum for the independence of São Paulo

The UK population (formed by England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) decided on Thursday (23) leave the EU bloc. After the result of the historic referendum, separatist fronts gained strength in Scotland itself, in Catalonia and even in Brazil.

The first campaign is led by São Paulo Free Movement, an organization that emerged in 
2014 that advocates independence São Paulo. The group, which has the support of about 10,000 people according to organizers, plans to hold an advisory referendum in several cities of the state in October to present the proposal and seek support for the "Sampadeus".
"The consultation should serve as a thermometer for us to see what percentage of São Paulo's population who actually want independence," says the president of the São Paulo Free Movement, the micro entrepreneur Flavio Rebello.
Rebello sees similarities between the popular consultation held in Britain and what might happen in São Paulo if the proposal of his group win more support.
"There was a discussion in the UK that ended with the victory of a local power over a larger, regional power. England felt tolida to make economic and political decisions, and that generated this feeling. I think it's a parallel that can be done with the current state of São Paulo. "
The proposal to transform the state of São Paulo in an independent territory is based on the ideas of the State of São Paulo had a "colonial history" and different economic development of the rest of Brazil. According Rebello, São Paulo is also "wronged" provided federal unit collects as many taxes to the federal government and receive little investment in exchange.
"We have nothing against Brazil. When there is independence, they are our brothers to the north," says the president of the organization. "São Paulo has a large coastline, a modern port and a diversified industrial park. The economic fate of São Paulo would become a South Korean" design.

Projeto de moeda da
Divulgação/Movimento São Paulo Livre
Projeto de moeda da "República de São Paulo" traz o rosto do abolicionista baiano Luiz Gama

South and Northeast
One of the first and loudest separatist movements in Brazil (in the post-Constitution from 1988) appeared in the Rio Grande do Sul in 1990. The Movement for Independence of Pampa, claiming the existence of riograndense republic, came to draw up a petition with about one million signatures in 1993 - as informs the organization itself on its website. The document was intended to call a referendum to decide on the state's independence, but the group entered the crosshairs of the Brazilian Justice and the undersigned did not work.
"We have nothing against Brazil. When there is independence, they will be our northern brothers "
At the other end of the Brazilian map, the Free Movement Northeast hoisted the flag to build "self-determination of the northeastern people", which would be guaranteed by the Brazilian Constitution in reading by the organization's members. The group advocates the convening of a plebiscitary referendum "to a new administrative division, political and territorial for the Northeast region."
Soon after the announcement of the results of the British referendum, some netizens began to ventilate the idea of ​​"Nordexit" in the Northeast Free Movement page on Facebook, which has more than 3000 fans.
Although these groups claiming that their initiatives are lawful, the lawyer specializing in constitutional law Bruno Guilherme Fonseca, author of the article "International Law and separatist movements," ensures that actions aimed at dismembering the country are "completely illegitimate".

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"The Brazilian Constitution has some immutable clauses, including that deals with the very federative division of states and who preaches the highest principle of national unity. There is a current match Brazil to other panoramas (like the UK), but Brazil is a very special form of country in this direction, "explains Fonseca.
Despite the lawyer's opinion, the president of the São Paulo Free Movement preaches the speech that the advance of the proposal would be good for Sao Paulo and Brazilian (pardon the distinction).
"We have faith in Brazil. The output of São Paulo, in the very short term, would not be good. But in the medium and long term, will do wonders why Brazil will have to become more professional in managing their own money. And a strong São Paulo and exporting will quite have enough money to invest in Brazil, as Germany did when investing in other countries in Europe, "says Rebello.

Arte do movimento separatista nordestino apresenta bandeira hipotética pós-independência
Press Release / Northeast Independent Movementthe northeastern separatist movement art presents hypothetical post-independence flag

    Read all about: Brexit • Movement São Paulo Free • Free • Northeast Movement Movement 
    for Independence of Pampa • separatist groups • United Kingdom
    source i, agens google
    writing sourcehttp://ultimosegundo.ig.com.br/brasil/2016-06-29/plebiscito-do-reino-unido-renova-esperancas-de-grupos-separatistas-no-brasil.html


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