
fraude électorale au Brésil aux élections de 2018

JOICE HASSELMANN ÉTAIT LE POINT DE DÉPART DE CERTAINES DES PLUS GRANDES ÉLECTIONS "JE VEUX ÊTRE LE BOLSONARO    de jupes".  C'est ainsi que Joice Hasselmann projette son mandat à la Chambre.  Elu avec plus d'un million de voix par le parti PSL de Jair Bolsonaro, l'ancien journaliste de Paraná a acquis une renommée nationale après être devenu un représentant du réactionnaire brésilien dans les réseaux sociaux.  Sa portée sur Internet est énorme.  Seulement sur    Facebook,    il compte près de 2 millions de followers.  Sur    YouTube   , où vous publiez des vidéos tous les jours, vous en avez déjà plus d'un million. Le succès phénoménal en ligne est directement proportionnel à la diffusion de rumeurs et d'informations les moins mal comprises de leurs réseaux sociaux.  L'ancien journaliste était principalement responsable de la propagation de l'un des plus gros mensonges du premier tour, la fraude aux urnes,    sel

Brazil - Guru of Bolsonaro is appointed as beneficiary of million dollar fraud in the Stock Exchange Guru of Bolsonaro is appointed as beneficiary of million dollar fraud in the Stock Exchange Presented by the candidate  Jair Bolsonaro  (PSL) as his finance minister in the election case, economist  Paulo Guedes  is cited in a lawsuit recently adjudicated by the Federal Court as beneficiary of a fraudulent scheme that caused a million dollar losses on the Stock Exchange to Fapes, pension fund of the employees of the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES).  The information is from the digital magazine  Crusoe  , which had access to the records and to the sentence handed down on July 3 by Judge Tiago Pereira, from the 5th Criminal Court of Rio de Janeiro. According to a report by Filipe Coutinho, the documents gathered in the case indicate that GPG Participações, the economist and his brother, earned R $ 600,000 in just two days of oper

Brazil - Guru of Bolsonaro is appointed as beneficiary of million dollar fraud in the Stock Exchange Guru of Bolsonaro is appointed as beneficiary of million dollar fraud in the Stock Exchange Presented by the candidate  Jair Bolsonaro  (PSL) as his finance minister in the election case, economist  Paulo Guedes  is cited in a lawsuit recently adjudicated by the Federal Court as beneficiary of a fraudulent scheme that caused a million dollar losses on the Stock Exchange to Fapes, pension fund of the employees of the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES).  The information is from the digital magazine  Crusoe  , which had access to the records and to the sentence handed down on July 3 by Judge Tiago Pereira, from the 5th Criminal Court of Rio de Janeiro. According to a report by Filipe Coutinho, the documents gathered in the case indicate that GPG Participações, the economist and his brother, earned R $ 600,000 in just two days of oper