
Roger Waters criticizes Bolsonaro for his first show in Brazil

Roger Waters criticizes Bolsonaro for his first show in Brazil Roger Waters in Brazil: Everything about the tour of the former Pink Floyd in the Country 'US + THEM' WILL LAND IN BRAZIL IN OCTOBER. Roger Waters criticizes Bolsonaro for his first show in Brazil oger Waters  , a former  Pink Floyd  bassist , has confirmed that eight concerts will be held in Brazil in 2018. The  Us + Them  tour will go through 7 Brazilian capitals starting October 9 and will have two performances in São Paulo, both at the  Allianz Park  , stadium of Palmeiras - on days 9 and 10. After São Paulo, Roger Waters will follow in order to  Brasília  (13),  Salvador  (17),  Belo Horizonte  (21),  Rio de Janeiro  (24) and  Curitiba  (27), finishing his passage through Brazilian lands in  Porto Alegre  , on October 30, in a presentation scheduled for the Beira-Rio stadium. The legendary 74-year-old musician set the set with Pink Floyd's best-known songs, pl