
Brasiliani in cerca cibo fra le carcasse di animali, le foto choc diventano simbolo dell’estrema povertà

  Brasiliani in cerca cibo fra le carcasse di animali, le foto choc diventano simbolo dell’estrema povertà creata dal Covid L’autista che trasporta gli scarti della macelleria: «In passato la gente veniva da me per chiedere se potevo dare un osso per il cane. Oggi le persone mi implorano di prendersi qualcosa da mangiare» 03 Ottobre 2021 Modificato il: 03 Ottobre 2021 1 minuti di lettura Una serie di foto-choc di brasiliani ridotti alla fame che frugano fra carcasse e scarti di macelleria ammucchiati, alla ricerca di qualcosa da mangiare, sta diventando un simbolo delle condizioni sociali estreme in cui versa il popoloso Brasile travolto dalla pandemia di Covid-19. Le immagini, che mostrano un uomo accosciato nel container di un camion su una montagna di resti animali - ossa, scarti e interiora, raccolti nei supermercati e destinati alle fabbriche di cibo per animali e di sapone -, sono state scattate a Rio de Janeiro dal fotogiornalista Domingos Peixoto, già vincitore di diversi premi

With plans to increase gas supplies, will Russia end the energy crisis in Europe?

  Ahmad Shawqi October 29, 2021 The Executive Director of  the International Energy Agency  , Fatih Birol, considered Russia's announcement of plans to increase the quantities  of natural gas  in European storage facilities as encouraging, in a move that may reduce Europe's suffering from the energy crisis this winter. Birol's praise comes after Russian President Vladimir Putin, in a televised meeting on Wednesday, asked Russia's Gazprom to start filling its European gas storage facilities next month. And reached  gas prices  in Europe and  other places to record levels in recent weeks, driven by  low stocks and  strong recovery in demand with economies out of the  corona virus crisis. Increase supplies Gazprom is scheduled to start increasing the supply  of natural gas  at the company's storage facilities in Austria and Germany from November 8, when the local storage sites are full. The Russian president stressed that this timetable will enable Gazprom to fulfill i (state)

  PM shoots more than 50 times, kills three and the press calls it "confrontation"   Police chased car with robbery suspects By   Rogerio Galindo PMs appealed to the STJ to manifest themselves in a pro-Bolsonaro act.  The video came to me in a WhatsApp group and journalist friends.  Not knowing what it was, I opened it and was stunned.  A driver filmed the end of a police chase at the entrance to Maringá.  Upon reaching a traffic light, the car being chased stopped – you can't see everything clearly because the image shows the police vehicle from behind.  What is heard, however, is a flurry of gunfire (I tried to count, but it's impossible, the first volley seems to have more than forty bangs). Then the hit car begins to roll slowly down the road, probably with the driver already dead.  Another car arrives and all the police get out.  When they get closer, what you hear is another 20 shots.  Around it, dozens of cars, several of them apparently filming, others with ey

  “He's breaking my hand”, shouts a woman attacked by the Military Police during an approach in Curitiba     At dawn this Saturday (23), in the Industrial City of Curitiba (CIC), a woman was attacked during procedures of the Integrated Action of Urban Inspection (Aifu).  The case took place during an approach by the Military Police, on Rua Raul Pompéia, for inspection and combat of agglomerations, and was filmed by people present at the site. The confusion began after the closure of a hamburger shop in the region, due to non-compliance with sanitary norms established for the control of the covid-19 pandemic in Curitiba.  The police approached a young man in contempt.  He would be delivery of the establishment, according to the PM.  In a video, taken by the owner of the cafeteria, images show the man being dragged and thrown on the ground during the approach.  At that moment, the woman complains to the PMs and seems to be attacked. “You guys crossed the line!  Ridiculous”, exclaims

  “Ele tá quebrando minha mão”, grita mulher agredida pela PM durante abordagem em Curitiba   Na madrugada deste sábado (23), na Cidade Industrial de Curitiba (CIC), uma mulher foi agredida durante procedimentos da Ação Integrada de Fiscalização Urbana (Aifu). O caso aconteceu durante uma abordagem da Polícia Militar, na rua Raul Pompéia, para fiscalização e combate de aglomerações e foi filmado por pessoas presentes no local. A confusão começou após o fechamento de uma hamburgueria da região, por conta do descumprimento de normas sanitárias estabelecidas para o controle da pandemia da covid-19 em Curitiba. Os policiais abordaram um rapaz por desacato. Ele seria entregador do estabelecimento, segundo a PM. Em um vídeo, feito pela dona da lanchonete, imagens mostram o homem sendo arrastado e jogado no chão durante a abordagem. Nesse momento, a mulher reclama com os PMs e parece ser agredida. “Vocês passaram dos limites! Ridículos”, exclama Estephany Rodrigues, enquanto grava a cena. Por