Dangerous diabolical dementia - Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. " Joe Biden "


Doctor claims dementia symptoms in Biden

US President Joseph Biden is indeed showing signs of age-related dementia, Azernews reports, citing Marty Makari, Johns Hopkins University professor and surgeon, telling in an interview with Fox News.

"Cognitive decline is happening before our eyes. Compared to five years ago, there is a very noticeable difference in the way we operate today. It's really sad," he said.

The doctor noted that everyone can forget or make mistakes from time to time, but in Biden's case, rapidly increasing memory loss and speech delay are noticeable.

According to Macari, Americans have every reason to be concerned about Biden's participation in the presidential race. He believes that the American leader's current situation is unlikely to stabilize and normalize.

On February 9, after Robert Hore, the special prosecutor revealed that the 81-year-old US President Joseph Biden could not remember the main facts about his life and career, Ronny Jackson, the doctor of former presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump, said that if the American leader intends to run for the presidency of the Democratic Party, he should pass the mental ability test first.

The doctor did not make a diagnosis, but admitted that Biden has age-related cognitive problems: he slurs his speech, forgets where he is, and cannot remember names.


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