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What is Washington to Chaco?

Cables released by WikiLeaks show a strong US interest in the vast area covering Paraguay, Bolivia and northern Argentina.

Last modified:   July 24, 2012 14:06

Chaco War was fought between Bolivia and Paraguay, continues to fuel suspicions in the region [GALLO / Getty]

In recent years, a host of individuals and organizations throughout Latin America drew attention to the turbulent state of politics in Paraguay, where the democratically elected President Fernando Lugo was impeached by Congress in the country a few questionable circumstances. In   a letter of protest  , the signatories sketched rather inflammatory theory. They argue, for example, that the US Southern Command would Lugo went as Paraguayan leader who opposed the US militarization in his country.

"We already know who overthrew Fernando Lugo and why," they added. "El Chaco ... can not be allowed to belong to [Paraguay] ... nor his people; [region] were bound for occupation and production by multinational corporations and mega terror financed by public resources coup in Paraguay is similar across Latin. America was held for transnational corporations and their partners among local elites. "

"El Chaco" refers to the vast, arid and inhospitable strip of territory consisting of lowland forests and savannas. The territory covers a large part of Paraguay, Bolivia and northern Argentina, and contains abundant natural resources. As a result, Chaco was much fought over and coveted nations in the immediate vicinity, as well as foreign multinationals.From 1932-1935, Bolivia and Paraguay fought in what became known as the Chaco War. While Chaco thought to contain beneficial hydrocarbon fields and each country is hoping to cash in on the coming bonanza.

History intrigue

 Paraguay's ousted president seeks return to office

Although Bolivia seemed to enjoy great advantages in comparison with

Paraguay, its troops displayed low morale and died in large numbers from diseases and snake bites. By this time, pointless and wasteful conflict was over 100,000 men pogiblo.Paragvay controlled most of the disputed territory at the end of the war, and a truce, which he gained access to most of the land, although in a small consolation prize, Bolivia gained access to the river Paraguay .Chaco War showed psychologically destroying Bolivia, particularly among young educated officers who claimed that international oil companies manipulated the nation into the conflict in the first place.

Before the conflict, Standard Oil, a company based in the United States, discovered oil in eastern Bolivia, and believes that more oil could be found in the Chaco. Unfortunately, his British rival, Shell Oil, has the right to explore in the region. During the war, the two companies have been at odds with the standard support of Bolivia and Paraguay Shell backup. American diplomat, businessman and lobbyist Spruille Braden, are believed to play a role particularly vile during the Chaco War and reportedly worked as an agent for Standard Oil.

To this day, the Chaco War intrigue continues to fuel suspicions among regional leaders. Recently, the President of Argentina   Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner   said that the conflict was "the smell of oil," and claimed that Braden played a backstage role in promoting war. Moreover, during the   2009 ceremony   remembering the Chaco War, Bolivian President Evo Morales said that the conflict "was unjust war for oil" in the "interests of the empire, the United States and England." Former President Lugo of Paraguay added: "the sovereignty of our nation will not threaten the interests of foreign or multinational forces that face us in the past."

So for the previous diplomatic intrigues, but there is no evidence that the United States plays a role behind the scenes in the Chaco today? And the fact that the removal from power of Lugo in Paraguay - had control over the Chaco related in any way to the recent political crisis? The public should be cautious embracing comprehensive conspiracy theories without sufficient evidence marshalling and I just as skeptical as everyone else.

However, in the light of the private US diplomatic correspondence released by whistle-blowing outfit WikiLeaks, as well as the usual press reports, it seems pretty safe to say that Washington was obsessed with the Chaco. In addition, in light of the many strange and bizarre recent events that are difficult to explain as simply "coincidence", it seems reasonable to assume that the impeachment of Lugo was tied in some ways to the Chaco intrigue.

What the US presence in the Chaco?

The prospect of Paraguay and Bolivia to bury the ax over Chaco and joined by left-wing political lines hardly pleasant prospect for Washington.   As I have detailed elsewhere  , the former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and the current Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is considered the Paraguayan left with suspicion. What seems to be scared them most was the notion that Fernando Lugo can cultivate ties with countries such as Venezuela, which was allied with Evo Morales in Bolivia.
If it's ever been implemented, such an alliance can throw a dark cloud over the sensitive operations of the US military.For years, US troops are working in Paraguay under the Southern Command, to   supposedly provide rural health care  . However, some believe that the Americans were actually in Paraguay to spy on leftist movements or peasant leaders. In any case, it seems to me that the US troops were deployed to the remote Chaco during their exercises.

Indeed, according to Argentine paper   Clarín   [SP], American technicians built an air base in the Chaco of Mariscal Estigarribia. In 2005, a reporter from the newspaper visited the object describing the database as "a huge aircraft carrier in the middle of the desert." In addition, the runway was very wide and could accommodate B-52 bombers, although the Paraguayan Air Force had no such aircraft in its arsenal.

In   2006  , still two years before the entry Lugo government, diplomats reported that US troops acted in the Chaco, to "examine the possible locations for future exercises of humanitarian assistance." In reality, however, the State Department itself, seems to have had a vague idea that the Pentagon was actually up in Paraguay (indeed,  according to the  Washington Office on Latin America  , two members of the US Special Forces team operating secret were involved in a deadly shootout in 2004. Tragically, shooting led to the death of a Paraguayan who tried to rob the soldiers. Apparently, the Pentagon continued existence of the team in total secrecy from the US Embassy in Asuncion).

Bolivia and the United States maneuver for influence
Fearing encirclement, Venezuela and Bolivia   struck back   and announced "  an agreement to build a new military base along the disputed border region of Chaco (in Puerto Quijarro) ". Later, Paraguayan President Evo Morales faced by the United Nations to seek clarification.

Apparently miffed at Asuncion, Morales was in no mood to back down, and then sent  Bolivian officers across the border into the Chaco to spy on and learn about US military operations. The incident concerned not only with the US Embassy in Asuncion, but also the rights of officers in Paraguay.

Meanwhile, conservative senators said US Ambassador that Venezuela and Bolivia were going to "push us around." In particular, the Paraguayan military was "very concerned about the re-Bolivia and plans to develop several new military facilities with the help of Venezuela." The officer corps, which was still suffering over the "anguish" Chaco dispute, like new weapons and technology from the United States to "offset this threat."

The US Embassy was happy to oblige, noting that "the message will continue to insist on the continuation of military cooperation." Despite such assurances, however, the Paraguayan military  continued to worry   about the "protracted irredentist claims in some segments of the Bolivian army on the territory of the Chaco." In an echo of Chaco War, diplomats explained that the "discovery potential of commercially significant natural gas resources near the Bolivian border can add fuel to such problems."

A few days before   the Paraguayan elections of 2008, the right Colorado Party grew concerned that Lugo can win.One Colorado Party senator told US diplomats that Washington was a "failure" in its approach to Latin America and the need to "work with the Paraguayan army to build a military base in the Chaco region to deal with the growing drug trade (and to reflect any ideas from Brazil or Bolivia on the infringement Paraguayan sovereignty). "

Morales regime in La Paz sounded the alarm, in turn, accused the United States in an effort to establish a military base in the Chaco "to monitor activities in Bolivia or trying to control energy resources in Bolivia and Paraguay Chaco." Concerned about the growing environment, Bolivian Defense Minister went to Paraguay, Asunción and asked the government to "to slow it down mil mil relations with the US." Colorado Party and "a lot of like-minded military officials", however, rejected the Bolivia and sent Minister packaging.

Paraguay and Bolivia to bury the hatchet

 Lugo of Paraguay condemns' parliamentary coup "

Since we do not have any access to the documentation of the 

Pentagon, not to mention other US intelligence agencies, it is unclear what specific moves the defense establishment held in connection with the Chaco. However, according to the cables WikiLeaks, US officials were amenable to Paraguay, with a diplomat, noting that the Colorado Party pleas for help were clear. "We hope that with the next president of Paraguay, we can do more," wrote the Embassy in Asuncion.

Election Lugo, however, threw the key into the regional geo-strategy the United States. Although the new president of Paraguay was not a radical, he staked out an increasingly independent foreign policy and  began to limit   the role of the Pentagon in his country. Even more alarmingly, Lugo quickly expressed a desire to bury the hatchet with Bolivia and flew to La Paz to   meet with Morales   in person. In a rhetorical flourish, Lugo said that "the age of imperialism over in this new era in Latin America", and that the future of Latin America's relations with the US will be "based on respect, equality and justice."

If this were not enough to cause resentment among the powers that be, Lugo also held a symbolic meeting with Morales in the rural town of Mariscal Estigarribia Chaco to commemorate the 74th anniversary of the end of the Chaco War. The two leaders signed a joint declaration peaceful and made speeches with Lugo saying that the two South American countries have been "recognized that the integration of their people is more important legacy of Bolivians and Paraguayans blood spilled oil in the Chaco."

Morales, apparently hopes that such ideological similarities Lugo will roll Paraguayan-US military ties. When asked Paraguay Bolivia tell the truth about alleged US military bases on its territory, Lugo denied their existence, but later said it will launch an investigation. Needless to say, however, such statements are not passed very well with the Paraguayan right-wing nationalists in Congress, who was unhappy in any rapprochement with Bolivia.

Postscript: Lugo's resignation and the Argentine Chaco

It should be noted that there is no "smoking gun" proving that the United States played a role in the recent ousting of Lugo, but some reports are incredibly suspicious in terms of the timeline. In fact, just by coincidence, right Colorado lawmaker who chaired the Congressional Committee on Defence met with US forces shortly after the impeachment of Lugo. According to the Mexican paper   La Jornada   [Sp], he and his colleagues spoke with the US on the construction of a military base in the Chaco. The legislator said that the base of the Chaco was "necessary" because Bolivia is a "threat to Paraguay."

As if in this report has not been enough to raise eyebrows, the US also   participating in the high-stakes effort   to provide a military base in the Argentine Chaco, near the border with Paraguay. As in Paraguay, the Pentagon claimed that the base was needed in order to provide local aid. US diplomats, meanwhile, received the support of the provincial governor pro-American project. However, in a huge setback for the US Southern Command, the Argentine government decided to scotch the initiative following an outcry from civil society.

In light of the evidence, it is quite clear that Washington wants to get a foothold in the Chaco. Perhaps a more interesting question, however, why? Perhaps the US wants to control drug trafficking in the Chaco, or alternatively wants control over strategic resources. Maybe Washington seeks to prevent Paraguay from prison left alliance with Bolivia, or he wants   to surround a rising star in Brazil  . Or maybe it's just some combination of all these things.In any case, however, it certainly includes sell.
Nicholas Kozlov   is the author of   Revolution! South America and the rise of the New Left  .  
Follow him on Twitter:   @ NikolasKozloff

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Al-Jazeera.

In want of water: Drought pushes California farmers further underground

Groundwater drilling causes some parts of state to sink

Another year of drought has California farmers searching for water deeper and deeper underground. For

World Water Day, The Stream examines the impact.

font   video and   redaction    http://stream.aljazeera.com/story/201503221623-0024639

Another year of drought has California farmers searching for water deeper and deeper underground.
For ‪#‎WorldWaterDay‬, The Stream examines the impact - http://ow.ly/KEe0b

Guarani Aquifer

Guarani Aquifer

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Guarani Aquifer, located beneath the surface of ArgentinaBrazilParaguay, and Uruguay, is one of the world's largest aquifer systems and is an important source of fresh water.[1] Named after the Guarani people, it covers 1,200,000 square kilometres (460,000 sq mi), with a volume of about 40,000 cubic kilometres (9,600 cu mi), a thickness of between 50 metres (160 ft) and 800 metres (2,600 ft) and a maximum depth of about 1,800 metres (5,900 ft). It is estimated to contain about 37,000 cubic kilometres (8,900 cu mi) of water (arguably the largest single body ofgroundwater in the world, although the overall volume of the constituent parts of the Great Artesian Basin is much larger), with a total recharge rate of about 166 km³/year from precipitation. It is said that this vast underground reservoir could supply fresh drinking water to the world for 200 years. However, at closer inspection, if the world population were to stay at an equilibrium of about 6.96 billion, not even taking into account that babies need less water than grown adults, this figure reaches 1600 years, allowing about 9 liters per day per person. Due to an expected shortage of freshwater on a global scale, which environmentalists suggest will become critical in under 20 years, this important natural resource is rapidly becoming politicized, and the control of the resource becomes ever more controversial.


The Guarani Aquifer consists primarily of sedimented sandstones deposited by fluvial and eolian processes during the Triassic and Jurassic periods (between 200 and 130 million years ago), with over 90% of the total area overlaid with basalt of a low-permeability, deposited during the Cretaceous period, acting as an aquitardand providing a high degree of containment. This greatly reduces the rate of infiltration and subsequent recharge, but also isolates the aquifer from the Vadose zoneand subsequent surface-associated losses due to evaporation and evapotranspiration.
Research and monitoring of the aquifer in order to better manage it as a resource is considered important, as the population growth rate within its area is relatively high — resulting in higher consumption and pollution risks.
The countries over the aquifer are also the original four Mercosur countries.


  1. Jump up^ from the BBC




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