Brazil - time frame in indigenous lands is incompatible with the Federal Constitution. Minister Fachin STF


"Authorizing, in the absence of the Constitution, the loss of possession of traditional lands by the indigenous community, means the progressive ethnocide of their culture, by the dispersion of the indigenous members of that group, in addition to casting these people into a situation of misery and acculturation, denying them the right to identity and difference in relation to the way of life of the surrounding society, the greatest expression of the political pluralism established by article 1 of the constitutional text. There is no greater legal certainty than complying with the Constitution",

 finishes Fachin.

The history of indigenous peoples does not begin in 1988! Time frame is colonial frame. Demarcation now! #TemporalframeNo #PL490no #DemarcationJá Via Production/Editing: .photos Screenplay:


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